Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies.

The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water.  Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute.
The Measles mortality graphs are enlightening [more below] and contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives.  It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999


The success of the City of Leicester, England was remarkable in reducing smallpox mortality substantially compared to the rest of England and other countries by abandoning vaccination between 1882 and 1908
This contrasts how the drug industry has turned each child in the world into a human pin-cushion profit centre.

And do vaccines cause autistic conditions? If you read nothing else we strongly recommend you read this: PDF Download – Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News].  In it the US Health Resources Services Administration [HRSA] state to CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson

    We have compensated cases in which children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be accompanied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, or seizures.”

Despite all the lies and deceit by health official worldwide, the question “do vaccines cause autism” was answered after the Hannah  Poling story broke in the USA in February 2008 [see CHS article here].  Hannah developed an autistic condition after 9 vaccines administered the same day.  Under the media spotlight numerous US health officials and agencies conceded on broadcast US nationwide TV news from CBS and CNN. Full details with links to the original sources can be found in this CHS article: Vaccination Causes Autism – Say US Government & Merck’s Director of Vaccines. [Blue Text added 10 April 2011]

The financial markets have known for 20 years and more the pharmaceutical industry’s blockbuster patented drugs business model would eventually fail  We now see the Bill Gates’ type business model emerging – almost everyone has Windows software on their PC – almost everyone will be vax’ed.  Gates quickly became a multi-billionaire.  With vastly more people to vaccinate than computers requiring software the lure of money is many times greater. All this whilst we watch as childhood prevalence of asthma, allergies, autism, diabetes and more have increased exponentially as the vaccines have been introduced.

Can “vaccinatable” diseases “return” despite vaccination?  Yes.  If you are too poorly nourished your body is likely to lack essential nutrients needed to maintain its immune system sufficiently to withstand disease.  This will happen regardless of how many vaccinations you have had.  This was experienced in Eastern Europe following the collapse of the old Soviet Bloc and the economic chaos which ensued, leaving many in great poverty.

For the same reason vaccines do not “work” and “save” lives in impoverished African and other third world economies.  The majority of third world child deaths still occur despite vaccination.  These children need proper food, clean water to drink and wash in and sanitation.  We give them vaccines instead.


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