Sunday, March 18, 2012

10 Controversial Facts In The Obama Deception That Are Now Self-Evident

“Controversy is only dreaded by the advocates of error.” – American founding father Benjamin Rush.
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
The KONY 2012 phenomenon was a fire that consumed itself. The propagandistic film went viral because of its sensationalism and commercialism, not because it was telling the truth and making a worthy difference in the discourse of international politics and the situation in Uganda.
Invisible Children, the group behind the film, has been described as cult-like and clueless by many experts such as Stephen Lewis, a Canadian diplomat and UN envoy to Africa.
We can learn three things from the globalist-run “KONY 2012″propaganda campaign that is now viewed as an epic disaster after its creator went berserk in public and smashed his fists on the pavement while naked. One, viral political films must be treated with deep skepticism and caution because their creators are not the final authority on truth and reality. Second, if discredited politicians, journalists, and organizations promote the film then it is likely that the political cause the film is pushing on viewers is not egalitarian and just. And three, the massive recognition and popularity of a political film is not an indication of its objectivity, sincerity, and authenticity.
Several other political films have went viral on the Internet in the past. The two biggest ones are Peter Joseph’s Zeitgeist, and Alex Jones’s The Obama Deception. Unlike the KONY 2012 film, those films were not funded by large foundations and did not promote militarization and state violence as solutions.
The documentary, “The Obama Deception,” released in March 2009, has been watched 30-40 million times in the last three years, whether on the Internet, or in DVD format. And that is a conservative estimate.
At the time, critics said that the film made wild and conspiratorial claims about Barack Obama’s presidency, the United States government, and Wall Street. But those critics are silent now. In 2012, the film’s controversial claims can be measured and fact-checked based on three years of hard data, evidence, and official statements by members of the Obama administration.
II. From Controversy To Consent: The Rising Political Relevance of ‘The Obama Deception’
The ten biggest claims that were made in ‘The Obama Deception,’ according to my reading of the film, are listed below, followed by a brief explanation of why they are true, when necessary.
1. President Obama is a puppet who is owned by the parasitic financial community.
This statement needs no explanation. It is self-evident. 
2. President Obama is dedicated to the overthrow of America’s constitutional republic.
President Obama told Congress in May 2011 that America’s bombing of Libya was authorized by the United Nations, and that Congress had no say in the matter.
More recently, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta informed Senator Jeff Sessions and the Senate that the U.S. military answers to the international bankers behind the new world order, United Nations, and NATO, not the U.S. congress or the American people.
3. President Obama is a proponent of the fraudulent endless war on terror because he wants to use the global chaos to finalize the covert establishment of a global fascist government.
President Obama has continued, and, in many areas, advanced the Bush administration’s illegal and undefined global war on terror. Although he has not consciously used the phrase “global war on terror,” there is no doubt President Obama is fighting this senseless, diabolical, criminal, and evil war in America’s name to accomplish hidden political aims that go against America’s interests.
The mindless global war on terror is not being fought to defend America’s security, but to drive the United States government to bankruptcy and collapse, and make way for the establishment of a new global fascist government.
The Obama administration’s foreign policy is radical, and criminal. It has funded and armed Al-Qaeda terrorists in Libya and Syria to change unfriendly regimes under the guise of supporting democracy activists against their oppressive governments. And it is also planning to bomb Iran alongside the discredited right-wing Netanyahu government in Israel despite not proving their case that Iran is a threat to Israel or America.
In his recent article called, “The 0% Doctrine: Obama Breaks New Ground When It Comes to War With Iran,” Tom Engelhardt wrote:
“Whether he meant to or not, in his latest version of Iran war policy President Obama has built on the Bush precedent.  His represents, however, an even more extreme version, which should perhaps be labeled the 0% Doctrine.  In holding off an Israeli strike that may itself be nothing but a bluff, he has defined a future Iranian decision to build a nuclear weapon as a new form of aggression against the United States.  We would, as the president explained to Jeffrey Goldberg, be committing our military power against Iran not to prevent an attack on the U.S. itself, but a nuclear arms race in the Middle East.”
4. President Obama is the new face of imperialism in Africa, and militarizing the continent under the political cover of humanitarianism.
President Obama, who sold himself as a son of Africa, has used his power as the face of the world’s most powerful country to help his financial masters to further loot, rape, divide, and destroy African countries. On March 10, 2012, Tony Cartalucci wrote:
“Today, US Africa Command, known as AFRICOM, is spreading across Africa in the footsteps of Cecil Rhodes. As reported by, Vice Admiral Moeller at an AFRICOM meeting held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008 would declare that protecting “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market” was one of AFRICOM’s guiding principles. Of course by “global market,” the admiral means the Fortune 500 corporations of Wall Street and London.
In our politically sensitive modern age, pillaging Africa in the footsteps of shameless and quite racist imperialists is very difficult to do. Therefore, Joseph Kony, Al Qaeda, Qaddafi, starving children, pirates, and every other geopolitical ploy and contrivance imaginable, and some left yet unimagined have been used to justify AFRICOM’s expanding presence on a continent they have no business setting foot on.”
Obama’s African agenda is far from humanitarian. The aim of the Obama administration, AFRICOM, and the Globalist Empire is to destroy and steal from Africa, not assist economic growth and generate prosperity. America is acting as the 21st century version of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan, who conquered in order to destroy and kill.
5. President Obama is motivated to help Israel attack Iran and start World War III.
President Obama’s opposition to an attack on Iran is done for public consumption. His real, on-the-ground policies are leading to aneventual clash between the United States and Israel against Iran. Such an attack would trigger a wider war in the volatile region, accelerate the collapse of the global economy, and draw the world closer to the fires of Hell.
6. President Obama is pursuing policies of de-industrialization and coercive population control against America, and other third-world countries.
The Obama administration has continued the unspoken policy of previous administration to de-industrialize the United States of America. While hiding behind the rhetoric of environmentalism and free trade, top U.S. officials in both parties have worked towards the goal of destroying the U.S. economy.
They have the misguided view that American overconsumption is an economic burden on the rest of the planet, and see their actions of destruction as necessary and beneficial for the long-term health of the planet. Also, they hide the fact that U.S. and Western multinational companies along with the crazy advertisement culture created American overconsumption. So, in a schizophrenic fashion, the corporate creators of the overconsumption problem are also serving as the destroyers who are executing the solutions, which are de-industrialization, economic depression, and other policies of mass death.
7. President Obama is trying to disarm the American people with fear-mongering tactics, and using back-door tricks to get around public opinion and Congress.
This is another self-evident truth that needs no explanation. I’ll refer you to the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal that went all the way up to Eric Holder’s office and the White House.
8. President Obama is destroying self-sufficient and independent communities inside the United States to prevent active economic and political resistance against the criminally hijacked federal government, multinational corporations, and Agenda 21.
The war against the Amish and independent farmers throughout the United States by the Monsanto-owned FDA is being waged in the name of environmentalism and sustainable development, and it is evil in the most extreme sense of the word. It is a war against the American people and the free market by multinational corporations that have hijacked the U.S. government and the international regulatory system. Their aim is to completely destroy the independent farmer, free communal marketplaces, and self-sufficient communities in the United States and North America because such entities are economic threats to their bottom line.
9. President Obama is impeding the economic recovery of the United States and advancing the financial oligarchy’s criminal plan to bankrupt the country totally and set up a military dictatorship.
The looting of America by the international financial oligarchs has been continuous, relentless, and absolutely devastating. It is part of a larger economic conquest of Western nations by the banksters, and their political surrogates in the IMF, World Bank, and WTO.
In October 2001, journalist Greg Palast wrote how the IMF’s destruction of Argentina in the early 2000s was a strategically planned operation in an article called, “The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold.” Palast warned on the Alex Jones show in 2002 that the IMF’s economic model of looting and consolidation would be copied in America and the West. And the warning is coming true as America and Western civilization fall deeper into an economic crisis, with the IMF looming over every nation like a bird of death.
The solution to a financially engineered crisis that Palast offered was,“remove the bloodsuckers.” By contrast, President Obama and the treacherous U.S. political elite are offering military dictatorship as a solution because they work for the financial bloodsuckers.
On the eve of 2012, President Obama demanded that the Congress give him the power to indefinitely detain American citizens without proof or trial. But this power-grab only scratches the surface. The despotic power of illegal detention is one tool among many that will be used against the American people to defend the NATO/UN military dictatorship over America and North America. President Obama also says he has the right to kill American citizens based on the authority of his office. In other words, President Barack Obama is death personified.
10. President Obama is waging a total war against humanity for the benefit of his Satanic Globalist Overlords.
Again, no explanation is needed. Just take a long look at this picture of Obama. This man is purely demonic and possessed with an evil spirit. There should be no controversy about Obama’s birthplace. He is from the dark pits of Hell. With his evil actions he has shown himself to be a son of Satan.
III. Words of Warning, Words of Truth, Words of Power
At the end of his film, ‘The Obama Deception,’ Alex Jones said:
“In summation, Barack Obama is a Madison-Avenue created fad. All of the crazed Obama worship being pushed by the corporate media is scientifically designed to capture the public in a net of peer pressure mass euphoria. If the new world order can just distract the public for a few more years, the elite can finish constructing their police state control grid.
Barack Obama is the perfect Trojan Horse. He makes the people feel like they finally have a place at the table, even as he betrays them. Sadly, many Obama supporters can’t see what’s right in front of their faces because they’ve already invested their very identity in this artificially created cult movement. Throughout history, it has happened over and over again. People turn their intellect over to cult of personality mass movements, and it’s happening again.
The evidence presented in this film is documented fact. And those that ignore what history has taught us do so at the peril of us all. As frightening as the information in this film is, there are many things we can do to stop the globalist agenda dead in its tracks.
First, we expose the cult of Obama for what it is: a sad hoax. Next, realize that we are all being propagandized, 24/7. Investigate all information for yourself, be it political parties, the media, or this film. Be aware of the tricks that the elite use like the staging of false flag terror attacks and other crises.
Rediscover the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Promote a culture of true liberty. There is a reason why the internationalists are attempting to destroy the sovereignty of all 50 states. They know it is one of the biggest threats to their domination. The federal government has been completely hijacked by foreign interest, and more than 25 states have recognized this fact and are moving to block the New World Order at the state level by declaring their 10th Amendment powers.
But most important of all, there is a huge awakening taking place in the United States and across the world against the globalist agenda. Free people everywhere are joining together and saying no to corruption and tyranny, and no to world government.”
Those words ring more true now than they did in 2009. President Obama’s own actions have demonstrated the truth of the observations and assertions that were made in The Obama Deception. Far from being wild, crazy, and conspiratorial, The Obama Deception is now regarded as ahead of its time in its political diagnosis of Barack Obama and the United States. It is truth-telling at its most noblest.
Abraham Lincoln said, “Truth is generally the best vindication against slander.” The truth that is in The Obama Deception has stood up against all forms of mindless attacks because it is secure in the firm soil of understanding, history, and common sense. Truth requires no defense, only affirmation.
The dictatorship of lies, myths, and frauds that has come into being in America is politically weak because it stands on the frail ground of state propaganda, mental oppression, and the rejection of history. It is destined to fall like every other dictatorship because sooner or later the official statements by the U.S. government will be received as absurd fiction by all, and its spellbinding power over the American mind will vanish into air.

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