Thursday, April 19, 2012

Man Walks Into a Bar: A True Story

Man Walks Into a Bar: A True Story

By Joe Scanlan – Sovereign Independent UK –

I know the story is true because the man who walked into the bar was me.

The following story is about a random meeting between myself and a British-born Asian-looking soldier in plain clothes recovering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD (the current in-house name for shell shock) who will be referred heretofore as Reality as he does not wish to be named. Expletives have been deleted as we are a responsible media outlet. Those who want foul language and toilet humour can buy their own debasement and destabilisation from the BBC and Hollywood.

Having overheard a conversation I realised that Reality was awake to the world situation while those around him were apparently not so I let him know this. What follows is a reconstruction of the meeting which took place. Here is the gist of the conversation from memory.


You seem to be clued up to the world situation.


I should be I’ve seen enough of it.


What have you seen?


Plenty, I’ve been around.


How So?


I’m with the British Forces. I’ve seen it all, screws up your head it does. I’m good at my job though, had the best of training. Nobody understands the loneliness of  being in the world when you come back and try to live in the reality of everyday life, they just take you for granted – and themselves – but they have no idea about the slaughter they pay for with their taxes every time they buy themselves a drink. They all live on a different planet. I don’t want to be here but I want to go back into crime even less.

Reality then showed me several photos of himself in foreign lands carrying huge guns, sitting on tanks and armoured cars and dressed in full military camouflage. He was fully aware of the war we are all embroiled in in this part of the world. He showed me pictures on his laptop of a sky riddled with chemtrails, presumably taken over his house in the UK. He was aware of the GMO poisoning of the food, the fluoride poisoning of our water supply, the vaccine murders, the euthanasia in hospitals, the abortion factories and the entire eugenics programme financed by the money-Mafia. I was amazed!


These chemtrail air raids, why don’t the military organise a military coup – just go and blast the enemy silent-bombers out of the sky. Why don’t they go for the central brain of the Orwellian Surveillance State – and blast it to smithereens?


Forget it! The military and police are by far the most brainwashed people on the planet. They are Manchurian Candidates, if someone in authority said shoot that child. They’d say “Sir, yes Sir” and put a bullet in the child’s head – following orders. The army is their family. They will never get the message. I’m just popping outside for a smoke.


I’ll join you this is interesting.

We stand outside the pub. I don’t smoke, never have, but am disgusted by the treatment of smokers – how they are isolated and turned into non-people – Hitler did this to smokers. I share this information with Reality. Attention then shifts to the crowds of shoppers milling around with shopping bags, talking about sport, TV programmes and trivia.


All these people here are like zombies they haven’t a clue about the real world. They get their reality downloaded into them from the media which has prepared a package for each age group, each race, each religious group. You’re not the only one that feels alone in the world. I have not seen first hand the horrors that you have seen, but I’ve nothing in common with any of these sheep. They are like drones and workers. They are oblivious even to the fact that they are being sprayed from the sky even though their own eyes cannot deny it. What has been done to them?


They’re all in denial. Can’t face the horrors of reality. They think nobody would harm them, because they wouldn’t harm a flea. They have nothing to hide so they have nothing to fear. The genocidal maniacs don’t have to brainwash them. They brainwash themselves in everyday life, the media keeps them comfortably numb. They enjoy what they ought not to enjoy. They love their servitude.


Yes, but what do you think would happen if reality hit them. When reality hits, you stay hit, surely they’d have a total nervous breakdown.


I’ll tell you one thing – and I’ve seen it in Kosovo and elsewhere. Listen, and listen good, when this thing goes down – and it could go down tomorrow, you want to get as far away from those zombies in denial as you possibly can. When their bellies have been emptied, when they can’t afford fuel or heating, when reality hits get away from them. They’ll be the most evil vicious monsters of all. They’ll run around like headless chickens in disbelief. They’ll take whatever kitchen or gardening utensils they can lay their hands on and hack each others heads off. I’ve seen severed heads impaled on railings by people exactly like those out there. When this thing goes down get away from those harmless complacent zombies – far, far away. They will eat you.

Here ends the true story.

Now you know why the pubs are being closed using cheaper supermarket booze, and why they are filled with huge screens pumping out sport, slot machines, loud music and TV trivia quizzes.

It’s a distraction to stop people talking about the horrors of the real world and the sadistic psychopaths that run it for us using our money.

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