Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Kill Mom and Dad!" The Future of Health care

Thursday, June 07, 2012
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Kill Granny, get a cash bonus!
The article is part of the new soft-sell, hard-kill agenda of the mainstream media which also featured an article on Newsweek Magazine entitled, "The Case for Killing Granny."

The cover of that magazine stated, "Curbing excessive end-of-life care is good for America."

Just as with TIME Magazine, Newsweek is pushing a death agenda that devalues the lives of elderly citizens and actually encourages citizens to have their own parents killed in order to reduce medical costs. In fact, as TIME Magazine says, organizations that embrace these "outcome-based" death panel systems actually receive cash bonuses when they save more money by pulling the plug on granny!

That's the answer to health care in America, you see. It's not about nutritional therapy, using trace minerals to prevent disease, avoiding GMOs and toxic chemicals. Nope, it's about pulling the plug and killing your elders and then convincing yourself that you are compassionate for making sure they die sooner rather than later.

It's trendy to kill your parents off, didn't you know? It's good for the economy! And it's good for society! Death to grandma! For God's sake don't give any water to your dying father, either, because it's better to just let him die from kidney failure. Yep, here's an actual quote from the TIME Magazine story: "Renal failure is a good way to go," the story says. Just dehydrate 'em to death and call it trendy.

When you get old, they'll kill you too. Be careful what you wish for, all you trendies, because sooner or later, you'll be old, too! And if you created a society in which pulling the plug is the socially-acceptable way to kill off all the "useless old people," then don't be surprised when they cut off your feeding tube, too, and you suffer a slow, painful death while your own children cheer about how socially responsible they are.

Watch my full commentary at:

Learn more:

oe Klein on His Cover Story: How to Die


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