Friday, August 31, 2012

ALERT....Minneapolis urban wargames geared to protecting Federal Reserve bank

There's  Federal Reserve Banks in St.Louis,Boston and Chicago were coincidentally cities that also had these same kind of drills this summer. 

This is very disturbing....

It specifically mentions that too.
Urban warfare training draws eyes to sky over Twin Cities

Article by: RANDY FURST , Star Tribune
Updated: August 30, 2012 - 10:30 PM

Training in downtown Minneapolis for urban warfare this week, Black Hawk military helicopters circled low over the Stone Arch Bridge, hovered next to the Fifth Street Towers and landed on the roof of the Federal Reserve building.

The helicopters belong to the U.S. Special Operations Command, an elite and secretive military unit based in Florida that is winding up two weeks of training in Minneapolis and St. Paul on Saturday. Police in both cities warned the public ahead of time, but the exercise still produced plenty of gawking and talking from those on the ground.  Minneapolis City Council Member Elizabeth Glidden saw the copters flying low in the sky while she was taking an evening walk by the Washburn water tower. "They were awfully close," she said.

But the aerial spectacle has been only the most public part of the training.  "The closest thing I can compare it to is SWAT training," Ken McGraw, a deputy public affairs officer with the Special Operations Command, said in an e-mail from Florida. "The training includes tactics used in close-quarters battle -- small-unit engagement at short ranges in confined areas, building- and room-clearing operations; dynamic entry -- breaching doors or walls with explosives."  McGraw said that participants are not using live ammunition.  The training is being conducted in collaboration with the Minneapolis and St. Paul police.

"We arrange the venues and provide security," Minneapolis police Sgt. Bill Palmer said.  While the special ops teams are not training local cops, they are giving both departments access to the "bad guys," civilians paid by Special Operations Command to play the enemy.  Under the arrangement Palmer witnessed last week, the special ops soldiers would play out a confrontation scenario, conduct a debriefing, then turn the venue over to the police, who ran the scenario themselves and did their own debriefing.  The Twin Cities area was not chosen for any particular reason, other than that it offers a different setting with different buildings, and the training is not for a specific contingency, McGraw said. Palmer noted that similar exercises have been conducted in Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston.

Numerous people have posted video of the helicopters online.

Scott Prudden, a general contractor, shot video of them from the balcony of his townhouse on West River Parkway.He watched three Black Hawks close in on the Federal Reserve and hover over the bank's parking lot, and saw four smaller helicopters land on the bank's roof.

He saw soldiers in their fatigues sitting in the open-doored helicopters. "We waved to them," he said. They did not wave back.

"You could tell these guys were professionals," said Steve Reeves, an attorney who shot video while working late in the Wells Fargo Bank building. "It was really controlled. They all hovered for the same amount of time. They all took the same flight path."

Reeves said he was "very happy" to see the copters in Minneapolis conduct the exercise. "I support our military," he said.

But Melissa Hill, a Minneapolis records clerk, was unnerved. She saw the Black Hawk helicopters on Monday night flying in the vicinity of East Hennepin and Central Avenues around 8 p.m. On the Hennepin Avenue Bridge, she shot video of the helicopters as they swirled over the Mississippi River and the Stone Arch Bridge and past people standing on the roof of the Federal Reserve building.

"To me it's really frightening," she said. "Military copters flying around in our airspace in an urban setting -- it kind of conditions people to accept a police state."

Federal Reserve: No comment

Patti Lorenzen, a public affairs spokeswoman for the Federal Reserve, was cryptic when asked about the exercise. "The law enforcement activity in the vicinity of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is part of previously announced routine training exercises," she said in an e-mail. "These exercises were scheduled to occur between 7 p.m. and midnight during the week of Aug. 27, 2012. We have no further comment."

The Special Operations Command, based at MacDill Air Force Base near Tampa, Fla., operates in 75 countries, often in clandestine operations, although they are most associated with warfare in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. President Obama has requested more money for the unit, which uses personnel from all four branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and may have as many as 25,000 troops, according to reports in the Washington Post."

Comment from a related article:

"PART 2 let them draw first blood, let them walk into your area of operation to try and cause you harm or your family and you have the “law of necessity” always on your side … is their game plan: the way you strip millions of law abiding citizens of their rights and reduce human head count at the same time is cause them to do something illegal which immediately strips your rights from you snapping and loosing hope…loose your thinking cap of controlled relax problem solving…freak out because the electric gets shut off and grocery stores mobbed, water supply gets disrupted… then all of good folks who are law abiding citizens turn into roving criminal thugs looking for food, looking for a fight with everything you believe caused the disruption"

Look at the ignorant response of this sheeple:
"Reeves said he was "very happy" to see the copters in Minneapolis conduct the exercise. "I support our military," he said."

Contrasted to the truth this lady brings up:
"To me it's really frightening," she said. "Military copters flying around in our airspace in an urban setting -- it kind of conditions people to accept a police state."
Most don't realize that there is only one Constitutionally approved military branch--the Navy.  We aren't supposed to have standing armies.  There are no legitimate enemies that warrant the need for anything other than what the Constitution allows for, because all the other branches are only for "power projection", and pre-emptive war.  But now, they've even gone beyond that because what were "branches" before, are really now all integrated into a global military force, due to the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA).

Comments like the 1st one are pretty unbelievable to still see 11 years after 9/11.  People that are that ignorant have zero chance of survival.

What I don't get is, do those f_ucks flying those helicopters think that their own family members are safe from the people they are protecting?  Why don't they realize that the people they are protecting are only using them as disposable pawns, that will suffer the same fate that the illegal fed wants to exact against the general public?  There is no quarter with the New World Order. 

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