Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cops are out of control:Meet your NEW nazi storm troopers

Police brutality is becoming an epidemic in Amerika.  Here are few examples of  of what I am talking about.  In my opinion the people that were filming this 1st video were cowards.  one should have filmed the rest should have ran to that mans rescue and restrained the cop by ANY means needed.

Even LETHAL force to protect another human being. 

This is what America has become.  You are the worthless slaves and you will obey your masters or be beaten or worse.

If you or I did this to someone it would be at minimum a felony assault, maybe even attempted MURDER!
A new police brutality video shows a St. Paul police officer kicking a defenseless man in the throat while he lay on the ground.

The clip, which was uploaded to You Tube yesterday, begins with the man prostrate on the floor. According to the man filming the footage, he has already been tased and maced in the face.
The victim asks the cop over and over again what he is being arrested for but the officer refuses to answer.
“Can you tell me what’s going on? You don’t have a warrant for my arrest,” the man pleads as he coughs as a result of being pepper sprayed.
At the 1:15 mark in the video, the cop kicks the man in the throat for no apparent reason.

The man is then handcuffed before the officer punches him in the head. He is then slammed onto a patrol car and held down as his hair is pulled back.
As officers struggle to put the man in the patrol car, other cops try to intimidate the man recording the video.
From the video it appears as if around ten police officers are involved in the arrest of one man.
Details surrounding the incident, which took place at the corner of Woodbridge and Milford streets, have now been released. The victim of the assault was named as 30-year-old Eric Hightower, who was arrested for terroristic threats, damage to property and obstruction of the legal process, but crucially has not been charged.
The officer responsible for the assault – Jesse Zilge – has been placed on administrative leave while the incident is investigated.
St. Paul Police Chief Tom Smith told CBS Minnesota that the department has “serious concerns” about the officer’s use of force in the video.
This footage again illustrates how police brutality has become endemic in America – particularly targeting black people.
Earlier this month we reported on the case of 21-year-old Chavis Carter, who Jonesboro Police claim shot himself in the head while handcuffed in the back of a patrol car.
Despite being placed in double-lock handcuffs and having been searched, police claim Carter took his own life with a .380 caliber handgun, an explanation the man’s mother claims is a cover-up for murder.
As police brutality in America escalates to new heights of violence and abuse, more and more unprovoked deaths are occurring, but punishments for officers who shoot victims dead are often miniscule.
In January 2009, 22-year-old Oscar Grant was shot in the back by policeman Johannes Mehserle as he lay on a platform at a railway station in Oakland California. Mehserle was charged with involuntary manslaughter after he claimed he had meant to use his Taser and not a gun and ended up serving just two years in jail for killing Grant.

This Video that is making its rounds shows two Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) officers snatching a female driver and violently slamming her body into the ground — twice. The woman’s alleged offense? Talking on her cell phone while driving and, subsequently, resisting arrest. As a result of the trauma, Michelle Jordan, 34, sustained intensive bruising and other related blemishes and injuries.

The incident unfolded after the registered nurse and mother was apparently seen by authorities using her phone while operating her vehicle — an action that is banned by law in the State of California. Officers followed her car into the parking lot of a Del Taco restaurant in Tujunga, California, on August 21, where the arrest then took place. The entire incident, according to the Daily Mail, was captured on surveillance video.
Jordan, who is 5-feet 4-inches, apparently didn‘t listen to officers’ commands (or so say officials looking into the matter). After she got out of her vehicle, she purportedly was told to get back inside. When she refused, the male officers slammed Jordan onto the ground and then handcuffed her. But the bizarre incident didn’t end there. She was then slammed again into the ground.
Despite a failure to purportedly listen to officers’ commands, Police Chief Charlie Beck issued a statement earlier this week claiming that he has “serious concerns” about how the scenario was handled. He pledged to investigate the force used and to “hold…officers accountable for their actions.”
The woman’s lawyer, Sy Nazif, told The Los Angeles Times via e-mail that the officers should be prosecuted and that his client was a “defenseless woman” who was bashed into the ground without reason.
“If a civilian were to assault a woman in this manner, he would go to jail,” Nazif wrote. “These officers must be held to the same standard. They have to be held accountable.”

“We have a defenseless woman in a sundress, two fully armed police officers with training in various restraining devices that they could have used, and instead they used brutal force to take a woman down to the ground for no reason,” added Arthur Corona, another one of Jordan’s attorneys.
Raymond Branch, a witness who was outside of the Del Taco restaurant when the situation unfolded, said that he was surprised by the use of force. While he claims the arrest was warranted, the violence, in his view, was not.
“The first part, I believe they had a right to arrest her for resisting, but the second part was overboard,” he explained.
Even Nazif admits that the woman made some “unwise moves,” but the force used against her, he contends, simply wasn’t warranted. A police investigation into the matter is in its preliminary stages.

And in this next video  The video of this incident is just now surfacing, even though it took place in January. The police thug could face assault charges, but....this is the United Police States of America, so don't bet on it.

This shit needs to STOP!  Protect yourself!

SEATTLE -- Seattle police are investigating what they call an assault of an officer in South Seattle.
However, a police officer is seen punching a 17-year-old girl in the face during the incident captured by a video camera on Monday.

According to Seattle police, the incident began when an officer spotted a man jaywalking in the 3100 block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Way S. at approximately 3:10 p.m. The man was some 15 feet away from a pedestrian overpass, police said.

The officer was talking to the man when he saw four young women jaywalk across the same street at the same spot. The officer asked the women to step over to his patrol car, but the women were being "verbally antagonistic toward the officer," according to officials.

One of the women, later identified as a 19 year old, began to walk away from the scene despite the officer's instructions, prompting the officer to walk over to her and escort her back to his patrol car.

The girl then "began to tense up her arm, and pull away from the officer while yelling at him," investigators said. The officer told the girl to place her hands on his patrol car, but she refused. When the officer tried to grab hold of her, "she pulled away and twisted, breaking free of the officer's grip several times," the blotter report said.

When the officer tried to handcuff the girl, another girl, this one 17 years old, intervened and placed her hands on the officer's arm, "causing the officer to believe she was attempting to physically affect the first subject's escape," police said.

The officer pushed back the second girl, but the girl came back at him. The officer then punched her, police said.

The officer then handcuffed the 19-year-old woman. Other officers arrived and helped handcuff the second girl.

Both teens were cited for jaywalking. The older suspect was booked into the King County Jail for investigation of obstructing an officer. The 17-year-old girl was booked into the Youth Service Center for investigation of assault of an officer.

Nobody was injured during the incident, police said.

Seattle police have not reviewed the video of the incident. Sgt. Sean Whitcomb said investigators may review the video on Tuesday.

Whitcomb said the officer involved in the incident sent out a call for help, prompting other officers to rush to his aid.

All use of force on the job is reviewed, Whitcomb said, as use of force is under the officer's discretion. He added that punching is a trained tactic.

"There will be a thorough investigation into this incident," he said.

The officer who beat the woman got fired, but no charges were filed! There is a petition online to press charges against him, we need 2000 votes but only have 720. Please post this link next to the video so people can sign!
After Angela Garbarino was arrested in Shreveport, Louisiana last November on suspicion of drunk driving, she wound up lying on the police station floor in a pool of her own blood with two black eyes, a broken nose, two broken teeth, and other cuts and bruises.

Garbarino says that Officer Wiley Willis beat her up after turning off the police video camera. Willis's attorney insists that Garbarino slipped and fell when Willis tried to prevent her from leaving the room. However, Garbarino says that the extent of her injuries are proof that she was beaten.

The police video obtained by ABC News shows Garbarino demanding the right to make a phone call. "I have the right to call somebody right now and I know that," she yells. Officer Willis instead begins handcuffing her. She wiggles away, he pulls her back sharply by her wrists, and she hits the wall and falls on the floor.

Willis pushes her down into a chair three successive times as she repeatedly stands up again, increasingly distraught and screaming, "Get away from me!" Willis is finally shown leaning over her and asking, "Do you understand me?" to which she replies, "Yeah, I understand." Willis then walks over and turns off the camera.

When the video resumes, Garbarino is lying in the floor in a pool of her own blood. There is an apparent cut in what ABC aired, but according to KTBS in Shreveport, Willis turns Garbarino on her back, telling her, "Lay down, don't move," and she replies, "I can't believe you just did what you just did. I really can't."

Willis has since been dismissed from the police force. KTBS states that "Willis was fired by Police Chief Henry Whitehorn earlier this month for how he treated Garbarino during the whole episode, not for her injuries."

Willis is appealing his dismissal, and his attorney insists that his client was following procedures in turning off the camera. According to KTBS, "Authorities familiar with Shreveport police policy said a person is read their rights and gets an explanation of what's going to happen next. That is followed by a sobriety test. If the person refuses, the officer can turn off the tape and take them to an adjoining room, handcuff them to a bench, fill out the paperwork and charge them."

However, experts suggested to ABC that Willis should have called for female backup when Garbarino began resisting. One criminologist stated, "I think we have a situation where the arrested person is refusing to cooperate and the police officer apparently overreacted."

Police Shoot Black Mentally ill Man More Than 30 Times In Cold Blood 


And Yet again today.  Sept. 31st 2012.

The Los Angeles Police Department is having a tough week. Yesterday, TheBlaze reportedabout two police officers who may have used excessive force when they body slammed a woman into the pavement.
Now, there’s yet another story about police brutality brewing. At least five police officers are under investigation after a woman died during a violent arrest in which an officer stomped on her genitals, police Chief Charlie Beck said.
“I take all in-custody death investigations very seriously,” LAPD Chief Charlie Beck said Thursday in a statement to the Los Angeles Times. “I am confident we will get to the truth no matter where that leads us.”
Alesia Thomas died July 22, after she left her 3-year-old and 12-year-old at a police station, surrendering custody because she was a drug addict who could not care for them, according to Deputy Chief Bob Green.
Police tracked down the South Los Angeles resident and were trying to arrest Thomas on suspicion of child endangerment, police said. The incident was caught on a patrol car camera.
One officer knocked her to the ground by sweeping her legs out from beneath her and two other officers then handcuffed Thomas behind her back and attempted to lead her to a patrol car, according to the department’s official report. Two other officers also arrived at the scene.
Green said Thomas was a large woman and officers used a “hobble restraint device” — a strap that was wrapped around her ankles.
Green confirmed to the Times that during the struggle to get Thomas into the back of the patrol car, a female officer kicked Thomas in the genitals. Once Thomas was in the car, the video shows her breathing shallowly until she draws her last breath.
The Los Angeles Times has more:
The department’s official account said the officers immediately notified paramedics. It is unclear whether the officers attempted to resuscitate her and how much time passed before paramedics arrived to render medical aid. Thomas died shortly after being transported to a hospital. [...]
Four police officers and the sergeant were removed from field duties immediately after the incident and investigators from the department’s Internal Affairs unit opened an investigation into the death, Green said. One arm of the investigation will collect evidence prosecutors will consider when deciding whether to bring criminal charges against any of the officers, while another will look into whether the officers violated the department’s policies on using force and other aspects of taking a suspect into custody.
Beck wants to investigate whether she was intoxicated at the time of the altercation, or if her death may have been caused by a medical condition.
As mentioned, this is the second incident of alleged brutality that was caught on video and that is being investigated this week. In the previous case, two officers were shown slamming a handcuffed mother and wife to the ground. Beck announced Wednesday that he was transferring a captain from his command in response to that incident.

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