Friday, August 17, 2012

Destroying children with the cloak of ADHD – Parents need to pay attention

Jaqui Karr
Natural News
Aug 17, 2012
ADHD, your child, drugs, corruption… are words that should not be in the same sentence – or same conversation for that matter. Last month, a study was published that makes it questionable whether this generation of children stands even a remote fighting chance against the pharmaceutical companies…. They do if their parents are informed…
Let us start with the conclusion of the study: “Later start of stimulant drug treatment of attention/hyperactivity disorder is associated with academic decline in mathematics.” Translation: if you want your kids to do well in school you need to get them on stimulant drugs as early as possible, hopefully while still in the womb.
The fact that one of the researchers on the study received funding from a pharmaceutical company that makes drugs to treat ADHD is more than wrong; it should be outright illegal to have such a conflict of interest – but that’s another conversation.
The statistics are out of control and climbing: almost one in ten children in America are diagnosed with ADHD and over 65 percent of them are currently on prescription medication. Medications that have dozens of side effects. Medications that can cause irreversible damage, trigger auto-immune disorders, cause insomnia, stomach disorders… And yet, we see quotes like this: “There are obvious benefits of getting started sooner rather than later,” J. Russell Ramsay says to Reuters Health; he studies ADHD at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine in Philadelphia.
In the Reuter’s article, titled “Early ADHD treatment may ward off problems in school,” they start off by suggesting that kids will have trouble in school if they are not on drugs before the age of 11 or 12. ELEVEN OR TWELVE. …One tries to be an “objective journalist” and just report the facts but at times like this it gets challenging.
Has it occurred to anyone to check the diets of these kids?
The massive sugar spikes they are getting hit with every day, hyper-active reactions to gluten – which is making its way to the top of the highly inflammatory food list, liters of soda pop that create brain malfunction, rocket fuel in our water supply that causes every kind of system malfunction, excitotoxins, hormones and steroids via animal products, the chemical cocktails sprayed on to the few fruits and vegetables they might be eating… the list is just too long to make it possible for children (and adults) NOT have foggy brains, depression, or ADHD – among hundreds of other disorders. Has anyone thought to try an all natural, organic, plant strong diet and see how children perform?

The problems AND answers lie in food. Sadly, the pharmaceutical companies will do everything in their power to get the “experts” and medical community to say otherwise. Even sadder is that for the mainstream, whatever the guy in the white lab coat says must be true.
The CDC site itself has a page that provides parents with a checklist to help them pre-qualify their child before rushing to their doctor for a prescription. Items on that list: “Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly” and “Is often easily distracted” …traits that would have had 100 percent of us diagnosed with ADHD when we were kids. Tragically sad.
Horrendous diets can certainly cause issues, but it’s also important that parents remember that kids are just kids and most normal kids “act up” and cause trouble. Always have, always will - unless sedated. Please let your kids be kids.
Helga Zoega, Kenneth J. Rothman, et al. A Population-Based Study of Stimulant Drug Treatment of ADHD and Academic Progress in Children. Pediatrics peds.2011-3493; Published online June 25, 2012 (10.1542/peds.2011-3493)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
About the author:
Jaqui Karr is a gluten & nutrition expert, best selling author, certified dietician, and professional speaker. Her books, seminars, and online programs have helped thousands of people on 5 continents over the years find better health and enjoy a higher quality of life. Her newest program is “Gluten Demystified” – watch this free online video now for valuable information that could help you prevent the trigger of hundreds of disorders that have been linked to gluten:

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