Tuesday, August 28, 2012

DHS Source " It's Going Hot" False Flag Threat

“It’s going hot.” Those were the ominous opening and closing words from my source inside the Department of Homeland Security in two separate contacts we had within the last 72 hours. Readers to this website and listeners to my radio program know this source as “Rosebud,” a source with access to high levels within the DHS administration.

Readers of this website and listeners to my radio program are familiar with this DHS insider from previous leaks detailing alleged plans by members of the Obama administration to keep him in power beyond the 2012 elections.  One could argue that any person of reasonable sensibilities would certainly find this a delusional prospect and tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense. After all, we have a Constitution, or what’s left of it, that dictates our election process, at least for now. As such, one might logically ask how any sane person can even entertain the prospect of not having normal elections in November.

I would feel the same, and did so as well until the last few years. Today, things are much different than they were four years ago, or even last year at this time. Judi McLeod, award-winning founder and editor of Canada Free Press and not one to succumb to delusion or fantasy, points this out and provides a solid foundation for this possibility in her column published on August 27, 2012 titled “Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch.” What a difference four years can make.

For the purpose of full disclosure, I must note that what follows is a compilation of the information I obtained from my source from two separate contacts within a 72 hour period. Both contacts have been assembled into a single “conversation” for easier reading. None of the information has been changed or otherwise edited.

New information from DHS source

According to my well-placed source within the DHS apparatus, what amounts to a final authorization was reportedly given to DHS directly from the White House. A “go signal” if you will.

“It’s going hot. The plan, or whatever specific operation that was devised, is going hot, being put into motion. You’ve got to let people know that something is up, approval has been given, and unless somebody stops it, we’re going to have a staged event inside the U.S., and it’s being set up so that it gets real ugly real fast.” Obviously, I asked for clarification and more details.

“Look, I’ll tell you everything I know, what I’ve heard and seen, and some of what I’ve been told, but you’ve got to get this public. Even then, I’m not sure we know enough about the specific operational details, have enough time, or have the ability to overcome the characterizations of lunacy they’re going to throw at you, at us, for even talking about this. I’ve heard you talk about the ‘normalcy bias’ of most Americans, and that’s part of what we’re fighting. Look at what they did to you and the content of last information I gave to you. It was like that pass a secret game in first grade, you know, where one student whispers something in the ear of the kid next to him and it’s passed around the room until it gets to the last student. By that time, it’s nothing like the original ‘secret.’ It’s the lesson kids learn about spreading gossip. There was some state representative from Tennessee that sent out a mass e-mail of a screwed up version of what you wrote and then later retracted it,” he stated.

I reminded him that it was Tennessee State Representative Kelly Keisling who sent an e-mail to his constituents based on what amounted to third-hand information he read on the Internet. It centered around an alleged fake assassination attempt, something I never wrote, I told him. “Yes, that’s it. Didn’t you find the timing of that odd? I mean, the information I gave you was back in late April. When did Keisling send that e-mail and then make his very public retraction? Two or three weeks ago? Give me a break. They wanted to discredit you and anyone who makes public their intentions as bad as they want to know where the leaks are coming from,” he stated. “Believe me when I tell you they are desperate on a number of levels.”

My source continued: “Don’t think for one second that the sudden resurrection of the information, as incorrect as it was by that state rep, was an accident, because it wasn’t,” he replied. “Maybe the rep was played and clueless to the original story, but the way the story was managed after the fact made you look like a fool, like a real nutcase,” he said. I thanked him for the reminder.

“That’s their playbook,” he emphasized. “[Glenn] Beck, you on CFP, your show and others who talk about Alinksy tactics are right. Remember, Alinsky when he wrote that ridicule is the most potent weapon, and there is no defense because it irrational and infuriating. Trust me when I tell you that you are going to get hit hard and called crazy, this time with much greater intensity. Expect it the closer we get to the end game. But, pay attention to who is exploiting the false rumors, and you’ll get an idea who is behind the larger agenda,” he added.

I asked my source for details. “What exactly is the plan? Can you give me specific details? How do you know about this plan ‘going hot?’”

“Okay, from what I’ve been able to learn, there have been a couple different plans or scenarios developed, ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice, but each are distinctly different in nature and timing.” stated my source. “This is done for a few reasons. Look how the weather changed the plans for [Vice-President Joe] Biden’s visit to Tampa. That’s just one example. They’ve got contingencies. They are watching the poll numbers. They are closely monitoring public sentiment. But the objective of the plan is that they want to portray Obama as a victim of racist hatred by the white gun owners, the people concerned about the Constitution, the people they consider fringe. They want to silence their critics, prove that talk show hosts are causing hatred, and that all gun owners are behind the recent shootings. That’s at the heart of the plan. But to understand just how insidious this is, you’ve got to understand the people who are behind it.”

Nero in the White House, Caligula at the DHS

My source continued, “I’ve been trying to get as much information as possible, but it’s not been easy. This is definitely a plan that has its origins at the highest levels of the White House, and seems limited to maybe a handful of the people closest to Obama. The only reason I know about this authorization order, or approval, or whatever you want to call it, is that there was a major slip up at the very upper level of DHS, and I mean the very upper level” he stated.

“Remember the news about sexual harassment, intimidation and all of the garbage that’s gone on between the people Napolitano brought in and promoted due to their ‘lifestyle’ preferences? These are some sick people, mental rapists and perverts, who she’s brought in to her innermost circle. They make Caligula look like a boy scout, at least with power and sex. Well, one of those people, close to Napolitano, was involved in a meeting where the concept and approval of a false flag was being discussed.”

“This is where they almost lost it. You’ve got to understand that this whole thing is very compartmentalized and we’re talking about a very small group of people in this meeting. This person knew some of the information, not all of it, and let some information slip to a counterpart. That counterpart, who found herself involved in a situation way over her head, talked. I won’t go any further, but that’s how I ended up learning the latest information,” said my source. “Now you should have an idea of how this slipped out. But they had a quick handle on damage control, given the circumstances behind the disclosure. Potentially embarrassing circumstances, sexual blackmail” he added.

I asked my source whether DHS is involved in the actual planning or staging of the event. In response, this source stated that Janet Napolitano and her closest aides are playing a supporting role. ” She has to be involved because she has to control the response to a staged event. She’s involved to coordinate and implement the clampdown, after the fact. She does what she’s told. From everything I’ve heard, I believe the plans come from Valerie Jarrett and possibly a close friend and Obama associate who has a very big stake in Obama’s re-election.”

“What happens and when it happens depends on the events of the next sixty days. If it appears that Obama does not have a lock on the next four years to finish what he started, what he has been told to do, then watch for it ‘going hot.’”

 You can see the plot thickening with this dubious headline:

U.S. Soldiers Committed Murders, Stockpiled Guns And Bomb Materials, In Plot To Assassinate Obama And Overthrow Government

Staged crisis leading to suspended elections could happen on our watch

The closer America gets to Election Day, the more some worry about the possibility of there not being one.

Obama is smiling all the way through the polls, and it may not merely be whistling past the cemetery this time.

The fear of Obama suspending elections came long before the presidential election campaign officially began.  It was almost one year ago when North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue made suspended elections an idea whose time has come.

“I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover,” Gov. Perdue, a Democrat said, according to a report by the Raleigh News & Observer.  “You want people who don’t worry about the next election.” (Fox News, Sept. 27, 2011).

The trial balloon for Obama’s suspension of elections had been sent up overnight.

When public outrage followed Perdue’s ‘suggestion’, her staff quickly issued a statement suggesting she wasn’t really calling for suspension of elections.

“Governor Perdue was obviously using hyperbole to highlight what we can all agree is a serious problem: Washington politicians who focus on their own election instead of what’s best for the people they serve,” a spokesman said.

Canada Free Press (CFP) believes that Perdue, who is suiting herself and not running for re-election this time out, was the first person to give oxygen to the idea of Obama suspending elections.

You do not have to be in the Conspiracy Camp to worry that something is amiss in this Election.  It is not as the media is presenting it, just an election like any other with the Repubs and Dems dragging out skeletons and leaving them for all to see out on the campaign trail.

Occupy Wall Street (OWS), Code Pink, turned out in get-ups depicting their own nether regions,  and the other far left riffraff will be out there today protesting the Republican National Convention (RNC).

It’s not spontaneous but is all part of the White Noise orchestrated and overseen by the Hollywood creative equipped-White House Marxists.

Sure,  progressives have done this before and have even been part of every election campaign counting back decades.

But the significant big difference this time is that they’re playing for keeps.

What kind of crisis will the Obama Team exploit to impose martial law and suspend the 2012 Election?

Any staged crisis will do.  It’s not really the crisis they need but only the perception of one.

The game plan is already in play and God only knows where it will end.

You can see the game plan clearly in the Aug. 18 released DVD “The Hunger Games” in a movie highlighting the so called “evils” of American capitalism and the horrors of life under the Bush Regime.

While the masses are worried about the every day horror of Marxist Obama, progressives haven’t weaned their sorry selves off the Blame Bush mentality.

Canadian actor Donald Sutherland, who stars as Dictator President Snow in the movie, takes advantage of his appearance in the special features section to come out and heap praise on the Occupy Wall Street movement—to declare that it’s “absolutely time” for a revolution.

Sutherland even goes on to predict the Occupy movement will produce a “leader” for the upcoming revolution.

“(The Hunger Games) so clearly and carefully echoes (today).  I think the people with Occupy Wall Street and Occupy L.A., out of those people will come a leader.  It has to.  It’s time, it’s absolutely time.” (CNS News, Aug. 24, 2012)

Interesting to note that Donald Sutherland isn’t just another Pretty Boy George Clooney type.  His second of three wives was Shirley Douglas, the daughter of Tommy Douglas, Father of Canada’s socialized medicine, among other things.

In a revolutionary-bound world, there’s always Hollywood. Even as the same people who pay to see their movies suffer in Marxist misery, Hollywood is still there providing most of the Obama regime props.

The perception of overnight ‘grassroots’ insurrection will go down without a glitch.  Obama controls both the mainstream media and the social media.

Not as commonly known is that Obama also controls the fake grassroots protest movement known as OWS.

For nearly four long years he’s built an army “as well trained and well equipped as the U.S. military”.

This is how the staged ‘crisis’ that leads to suspended elections could happen:  Overnight in late-October,  progressive activists will cause a ruckus aimed to shut down major American cities, including Washington, DC and New York.  A thousand protesters will manage to hold these urban centers hostage—but you can bet the family farm that the media will present them as hundreds of thousands heading towards millions.

Protesters will storm private homes frightening their inhabitants.

When things are at their very worst,  Obama calling for calm will appear over every television network and send out a message over cell phones telling Americans that he—and only he—has their backs covered.  Obama will then reveal that for he sake of Public Safety he has no choice but to suspend elections.

All Obama really needs to deliver the evil deed is Hollywood/media crafted perception.

If Obama is not guaranteed that cheating will win him reelection, the staged crisis to suspend elections will happen on our watch.  And it is integral to the success of the progressives, that no one from our watch will ever be able to prove it happened.


Russian Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in America by End of 2012

Igor Panarin, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, believes that President Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012. He explains: “There’s a 55-45% chance right now that disintegration will occur.”

In 2009, Panarin lectured at the Diplomatic Academy where he said that he believed that the US will begin to collapse in 2010. He compared America to Nazi Germany and blamed the US for the global financial crisis that destroyed the Russian economy.

Panarin said that American society is in decline, referencing school shootings like Columbine. Combined with the banker bailouts in 2008 as proof that the US is no longer the global dominating economy, Paranrin believes that the American dream is over.

He asserts that mass immigration, economic decline and moral degradation will plunge America into a civil war that will center on the collapse of the US dollar.

Panarin created a map [below] of how he perceived the US would divide. He asserted that parts of the US would be taken over by foreign interests.
Considering the social climate emerging in America, Panarin’s words seem prophetic.

Yesterday, Lubbock County Judge Tom Head said on a local FOX affiliate station that he is convinced that Obama’s re-election would spawn civil unrest which would justify the US government’s use of martial law to quell the public. Head is seeking an increase in local taxes to “beef up” the Lubbock County Sheriff’s office and district attorney’s office.

Head expressed concern that Obama would deploy UN NATO troops onto US soil should civil unrest be declared. Head said:

    He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. to the United Nations, what’s going to happen when that happens? I’m thinking worst case scenario. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe…we’re not just talking a few riots or demonstrations.

In March of 2012, Obama signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness (NDRP) executive order that declared peacetime marital law. Obama granted himself authority over all domestic energy, production, transportation, food and water in the name of National Security.

The NDRP has roots in the Defense Production Act of 1950 wherein the US government was empowered to dispense “national resources” in the event of a national emergency that would define any or all Americans as a challenge to the government. Control over all US citizens would be required to maintain continuity of government. The president and advisors would be able to use this directive as they saw fit if the situation warranted.

It was no mistake that the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) declared the domestic US a “battlefield”. The ability to detain any American citizen without charge or trial, solely on suspicion is key to the power of the NDAA.

As defined in the NDRP, the President allocated control over American resources to specific federal agencies to oversee their dispensation.

    The Secretary of Defense has power over all water resources.
    The Secretary of Commerce has power over all material services and facilities, including construction materials.
    The Secretary of Transportation has power over all forms of civilian transportation.
    The Secretary of Agriculture has power over food resources and facilities, livestock plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment.
    The Secretary of Health and Human Services has power over all health resources.
    The Secretary of Energy has power over all forms of energy.

Under Nazi-controlled Germany, the beginning of Totalitarian control was evidenced in May of 1942 when freezing of food prices led to national rationing in 1943. With the Nazis controlling resource dispersion, all citizens needed ration cards to obtain food, gas, and even a vacation pass that allotted the restriction of movement.

Between the NDAA and NDRP, a Nazi-model of control over the general population in America is laid out. The Executive Branch, having been given the power to control all resources that are necessary to sustain all citizens, they have forced Americans to become completely subservient to the US government.

The executive order is not permitted by the US Constitution that states:

    All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

The advent of executive orders completely circumvents the power of the Congress and gives the Executive Branch unilateral power. The use of executive orders has become popular as a way to control America in wartime and the advent of national emergencies.

Obama has set a precedent by announcing the pre-cursor to suspension of the US Constitution during peacetime.

The first suspension of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights was performed by Abraham Lincoln during the US Civil War. This enabled Lincoln to authorize the unlawful detainment of “political prisoners” without Congressional approval.

The second declaration of unconstitutional detainment of US citizens was ordered by President FDR in 1941 with the roundup of Japanese-Americans who were sent to detainment camps to be held without charge during WWII.

For the past 30 years, plans for the takeover of America have been laid in a long line of executive orders. By stifling Congressional approval, the Executive Branch has been empowered to detain any and all US citizens, suspend all media and restrict any and all Americans in any and all ways deemed appropriate by the President.

We are in the midst of a Fascist takeover of our Constitutional Republic.


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