Wednesday, August 29, 2012


TSA, DHS Order 1,400 Pounds of High Powered Explosives Set to Deliver August 31

Anthony Gucciardi
August 27, 2012

Documents reveal that The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ordered over 1,400 pounds of super high-powered explosives through the (TSA) Transportation Safety Administration set to be delivered on August 31st. The news comes just after it was reported that the DHS had purchased over 1.2 billion rounds of hollow point bullets and a wide assortment of riot gear. The new explosives purchase, as highlighted by mainstream news service Government Security News, consists of 1,400 pounds worth of high density ammonium nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX explosives.
According to an explosive materials manual, both of these items are considered ‘high powered’ explosives. High density ammonium nitrate in particular is used in certain types of dynamite.

In case you doubt the validity of the mainstream news report, you can actually locate the purchase statements on the official government website. If you prefer to see the purchase statements specifically, you can view them here (link downloads the document to your PC). Here is an excerpt from the purchase order:

“The CES requires the 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX to provide Canine Explosive Training Aids (CETAs) to NCP participants. The supplier must be able to meet the exact requirements by August 31st, 2012. Substitutions for this product are not acceptable.”


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