Tuesday, November 6, 2012

$2,500 Ticket Issued After 3 Year Old Urinates In Front Yard

America is out of control
$2,500 Ticket Issued After 3 Year Old Urinates In Front Yard

A 3 year old gets his mom in trouble with the law when he gets a ticket from police. Now the little boy's mother will have to pay thousands of dollars for what the toddler did in their own front yard.

Dillan is being potty trained. His mother says he wasn't playing outside and wasn't near the facilities, so he unzipped.

News 9 was told before he could pee, a Piedmont police officer stopped him. It's a bathroom break that cost mom $2,500.

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 Oh great! Now we have "Pee cops"?

Since being a cop is no longer professional or honorable, but only a MINDLESS MR TICKET career, I assume the IQs will be going even lower for hirees! MR TICKETs don't need any skills other than writing and basic arithmetic!

I remember when being a police officer (aka Peace Officer) was an honorable and respected career. Now it appears these employees are going the way of the TSA - ABSOLUTE IDIOTS WHO JUST FOLLOW ORDERS AND WRITE ENDLESS TICKETS TO REFILL THE COFFERS OF THE STATE, THE THUGS (and their minions in each State) LOOTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!

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