Saturday, November 24, 2012

Italian Newspapers Report Secret Bilderberg Meeting in Rome

Italian Newspapers Report Secret Bilderberg Meeting in Rome

Various newspapers and online articles in Italy are suggesting that a good portion of the Bilderberg group, at least 80 of them, have been called to Rome this week for a secret meeting regarding the engineered Euro financial crisis and the unrest that has come as a result.

This meeting is particularly unusual because it is so small and informal, but it is possible that they may have switched up their tactics after the massive turnout for this year’s Bilderberg protest.  It is also possible that these smaller meetings happen all the time, but were always able to slide under the radar.

This meeting is also unusual because they aren’t renting out an entire hotel, in fact, they are using a hotel that is hosting a massive event at the same time.  The hotel they have chosen is “the De Russi”, which is the site of this year’s International Film Festival, so that was either a major scheduling error or an attempt to hide in plain sight.

Despite all of the commotion surrounding the hotel this week, local publications were able to publish detailed lists of those who are attending the event.  Most of the publications to cover the meeting are suggesting that the topic of discussion will be the new commissioner for Spain, Greece, Italy and other areas of the European Union that are in dire economic crisis.

According to one translated article:

“It seems like a provocation. The Bilderberg Group meets in secret in Rome. Likely to decide the fate (and maybe the commissioner) of Italy, Greece and Spains. In secret, but in the wrong place, because the hotel chosen for the meeting, the De Russie, in these days is besieged by reporters, photographers and fans for the presence of stars participating in the International Film Festival in capital. Nice try, even if the megavertice (which we do not know if will also attend the cutting edge Mario Monti) is strictly behind closed doors. And, despite the spotlight on the Festival, there is no official trace in the Italian media of this event. The news a few websites and the newspaper Libero.”

Surprisingly there has been a record and a list taken of those in attendance, ranging from international bankers to world political leaders.  The translated article also has two separate sections listing the various Bilderberg members in attendance.

Local newspapers have estimated the cost of the event at 100 euros, for the 80 some people in attendance.

Just this past year in 2012, Bilderberg had their most recent large scale meeting in Virginia and this time the crowds protesting them had grown exponentially.

The IntelHub was on location with exclusive reports, articles, pictures and videos.

Our coverage for this years Bilderberg event and protest can be found at THIS LINK.  For a quick navigation of my personal articles on the event, you can find them through THIS LINK.

Other sources for this article include:

-La Setta Dei Potenti Colta Sul Fatto: Oggi Vertice a Roma

-Il “club” Bilderberg a Roma Per commissariare l’Italia

-La riunione del gruppo Bilderberg a Roma. Ci sarĂ  anche Monti?

Italian article sort of translated:
The Bilderberg club is in Rome to decide the fate of the EU?
Andrea Indini - Tue, 13/11/2012

The least coincide with the anniversary of the investiture of Mario Monti at Palazzo Chigi conspicuous. A year after the investiture to the Prime Minister, the Bilderberg group arrives in the Eternal City to take stock of the commissioner of the euro countries most at risk. Among these, of course, there is also Italy. Course of the 61st session of work there is no trace. The summit is completely surrounded by a halo of mystery: even on the official site of the world's most powerful and mysterious organization is no mention. And in the mystery would remain segli organizers had placed all guests' Hotel de Russie, the prestigious hotel in Via del Babuino that, these days, is invaded by television crews and photographers who follow the Film Festival.

The elite of the world global economic arrives in Rome. Too many coincidences to go unnoticed. In the days when Monti blowing a candle along with the technical ministers who rallied to "save" Italy on the advice of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano and a few days after the re-election of Barack Obama to lead the most powerful country in the world, Bilderberg Group will meet in Rome. As always, the incontrivengono organized in reserved seats and away from prying eyes, twice a year, away from the cameras.

In early July, the meeting was held in Chantilly, a small town not far from Washington . So, according to many, found themselves to decide on the future of the United States of America, now the focus of the work would be instead of the future of the European Union and, in particular, the famous PIIGS - the countries "spenders" at risk of default.

Among these is, of course, Italy. A Chantily the meeting was over with truncheons indagnados with the stars and stripes that were placed in front of the Marriot for the great challenge of global finance.

In Rome, however, is likely to end up in glitter and sequins. Around the Hotel de Russie fact, there is a bustle of actresses, starlets, vippame different. So as not to be noticed, the nearly eighty guests at the summit rganizzato a trip (very private and secretive) at the Capitoline Museums that afternoon, have shut down in advance to allow for large finance to chat in peace.

The Bilderberg Group is an unofficial meeting that brings together, by invitation only, influential individuals in the economic, political and banking. Despite having an office in Leiden, the Netherlands, participants may change from time to time holding meetings at hotels or luxury resorts in various parts of the world (usually in the Old Continent, once every four years in the United States or Canada).

This year's list of participants, which is normally made ​​public through the press, there is a thick aura of mystery. To reveal some names we thought Available. Among the Italians, there is broad participation of the government as well as Monti would include also the Economic Development Minister Corrado Passera, the duo Elsa Fornero and Paola Severino, the holder of Education Francesco Profumo. "We do not know if Monti goes there - said Francesco Storace - Prime Minister take much to distance themselves from international syndicates. " Interior Minister Anna Maria Cancellieri would, however, declined the invitation. Would then present Giuliano Amato, the official documents as president of Treccani, Emma Bonino, the number one Railway Mauro Moretti, CEO of Mediobanca Alberto Nagel, Angelo Cardani AGCOM, the CEO of Unicredit Federico Ghizzoni, Enrico Cucchiani Intesa, Fulvio Conti, Enel, the president of RAI Anna Maria Tarantola, the new president of the Cir Rodolfo De Benedetti and the news director of La7 Enrico Mentana (later denied). Confirmations, of course, are not there. The names must be taken with the benefit of the doubt. The meeting, however, there is. And it is happening right at this time.
SOCIAL CALENDAR UPDATE: Bilderberg Steering Committee Meeting This Week in Rome

If you happen to be in or around Rome tomorrow, you can catch a glimpse, or perhaps say ‘hi’ to your Bilderberger masters, as they plan our lives for 2013 and beyond
Hotel de Russie
 (between Via del Babuino and Piazza del Popolo)
 Hotel de Russie
 Via del Babuino 9
 00187 Rome, Italy

According to 21stCenturyWire, the agenda apparently centered around the fate of EU countries such as Italy, Spain, and Greece, three nations that have been hit hard with the worldwide derivatives crisis and the subsequent imposition of austerity.

Various newspapers from all across Italy are reporting that around 80 members of the Bilderberg Group, particularly the Bilderberg Steering Committee, have been called to Rome for a semi-secret meeting to discuss the unfolding events of the engineered crisis.

In contradiction to the traditional methods of secrecy used by the Bilderberg Group such as renting entire hotels for days on end and dispensing with the guests and even some of the workers during the conference, this Italian Bilderberg meeting is taking place at the same time as another popular event, the Rome Film Festival.

Thus, instead of meeting in total secret, it appears the Bilderberg Group is attempting to hide its treachery in plain sight while blending in with the rest of the crowd of actors, actresses, directors, and general celebrities.

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