Monday, November 12, 2012

While you were sleeping

While you were sleeping

you saw evil all around and did not recognize it

you heard deception yet did not seek truth

you smelled the stench of death and did not mourn

you proclaimed "I am proud to be an american"

you were told we must fight evil

you were told we must defeat those who would harm us

you were told these things and more

from the mouths of liars who speak those words of themselves

you were told we are the greatest nation on earth

the most righteous, the chosen, the Light of the World

God bless america you proclaimed

but your ignorance has blinded you

your apathy has hidden from you

that which america has become

and now is

and many will realize but too late

that america is changed forever

changed from what the founders envisioned

the great opportunity to create a nation

principled in the knowledge of the truth

that each individual

has supremely endowed rights

that cannot be subjugated

by men or groups of men

changed to the naked truth

that is now revealed

that america is but another worldly empire

intent on destruction

principled on greed

principled on hatred

principled on lust

principled on deceit

clothed in the deceptive cloak of righteousness

while rotting from within

holding hostage the willing and unwilling

extorting, deceiving those from whom it is made

punishing, ostracizing those among the many

who remain vigilant

America the whore,

america, the ruthless beast of darkness

as the sheep are led to slaughter

so you will be among their numbers

a hundred, thousand, million, and more

one of the flock of those who like you

were lulled to sleep by the empty promise of gratification

and by the false promise of riches and comfort

incited by visions of far-away conquerors

ignoring the cries of the vanquished

fearful of suffering and without dignity

fostering indifference and intolerance

told lies many in number

by those whom you believe are righteous

you who are content to sleep in comfort

and dream of possibilities of profit and entertainment

you accept lies as truth

injustice as justice

wealth as prosperity

slavery as freedom

you slumber in your righteousness

not remembering nor caring what is freedom

not knowing justice

not knowing truth

death is your mantra

your eyes have been blinded

your ears have been deafened

your heart has been hardened

you cannot see your own tomorrow

even for the sake of the ones

that will come after you

The fruit has fallen away

and spoiled with decay

and now the tree bears no fruit

for as the caretakers sleep

the tree withers and becomes lifeless

and with the passing of time

your children will awaken

and when their suffering becomes too great to bear

then they will cry out

I see the evil

I hear the deception

I smell the stench of death

I seek the truth

I seek justice

I seek freedom

and for them the struggle to escape from the bondage

you have willfully left as their inheritance

will be their struggle

faint memories and haunting ghosts of Freedom

will be of no consequence

for it is to be their struggle

to regain that which was lost

by the complacency of their forefathers

and perhaps they will know in their hearts

that they are worthy of the Freedom

that many before them had denied and forgotten

that they are more than what they have been born into

and so it came to pass while you were sleeping


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