Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Your Children will be taken away from you because of your political views.

Husband and wife's foster children from ethnic minorities 'taken away because couple joined UKIP'

    * 'Exemplary' foster parents cared for three children from ethnic minorities

    * Staff from Rotherham council told couple that Ukip had 'racist' policies and their membership of it made them unsuitable carers

    * Couple left 'bereft' when the children were removed within a week

By Chris Brooke
PUBLISHED: 01:29, 24 November 2012

A married couple claimed yesterday they had their foster children taken away from them for being  members of Ukip.

Social workers told the couple, who were caring for three children from ethnic minorities, that the party had ‘racist’ policies and that their membership of it made them unsuitable carers, it was reported last night.

The foster parents, who have been caring for children for nearly seven years and had been described as ‘exemplary’, said they were left feeling ‘stigmatised and slandered’.

The couple are worried they will be stopped from fostering again because of their membership of the UK Independence Party, which campaigns for Britain to leave the EU.

Around a dozen children have been cared for by the couple, who do not want to be named.

The three latest children, a baby girl, boy and an older girl from a troubled family, came to them in September on an emergency placement. But just eight weeks later, two staff from the Labour-run Rotherham council – the nearest to their village home in South Yorkshire – arrived and announced the local safeguarding children team had been told they were Ukip members in an anonymous tip.

The wife told the Daily Telegraph: ‘I was dumbfounded. Then my question to both of them was, “What has Ukip got to do with having the children removed?”

‘Then one of them said, “Well, Ukip have got racist policies”. The implication was that we were racist.

'[The social worker] said Ukip does not like European people and wants them all out of the country to be returned to their own countries.

‘I’m sat there and I’m thinking, “What the hell is going off here?” because I wouldn’t have joined Ukip if they thought that. I’ve got mixed race in my family.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237660/Husband-wifes-foster-children-ethnic-minorities-taken-away-couple-joined-Ukip.html#ixzz2D95ikXqZ

 Victims of the thought police:

Snatched foster children are 'traumatised' say loving couple branded racist for supporting UKIP

   * Foster family beg for return of children who called them 'mum and dad'

    * Education Secretary Michael Gove called the decision 'actively harmful to children'

    * The couple lost the children after an anonymous tip-off to Rotherham council

By Ben Spencer, Chris Brooke and Andy Dolan
PUBLISHED: 22:45, 25 November 2012

The parents in the UKIP fostering row last night appealed for the return of the children they love.

The three Eastern European youngsters were taken away after social services discovered the couple were members of the political party. The astonishing decision by Labour-controlled Rotherham Council has been attacked by MPs from all sides.

And it has left fostering teams open to claims they are acting like ‘Thought Police’.

Asked whether he and his wife would welcome the children’s return, the foster father told the Mail: ‘Of course. We love those children.’

But he said the priority was the welfare of the ‘completely traumatised’ baby girl, boy and older girl, who came to them in September. ‘They have been passed from pillar to post,’ he added.

‘They have lost their family and they just get moved around and another move might not be the best thing for them.

‘Now we need to just wait and see what the report says and go from there.’

Today, in a statement issued through UKIP, the couple added: 'We are surprised there has been no apology from Rotherham Borough Council and feel they are hiding behind the complexity of this case.'

UKIP earlier blasted a statement from Rotherham council leader Roger Stone as 'saying nothing'.

Councillor Stone said in a lengthy statement: 'This morning I received a report of the immediate investigation that was ordered early on Saturday by the Cabinet member for children’s services.

'Having now listened to the initial report, I am now able to set out the way forward.

'As we said on Saturday, membership of UKIP should not bar someone from fostering.

'The council places the highest priority on safeguarding children, and our overriding concern in all decisions about the children in our care is for their best interests.

'We have been able to establish the facts in this case as far as is possible over the weekend, and I can confirm that the children are safe and in very good care.

'However, this remains a very complex case involving legal advice relating to the decision in question, particular features of the children’s background and an external agency responsible for finding and providing the foster carers concerned.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2238379/UKIP-fostering-row-Snatched-foster-children-traumatised-say-loving-couple-branded-racist.html#ixzz2DLiiCoiv

Children in UKIP foster row have been split up
Rotherham council leaders told to quit as authority faces further criticism over care

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