Christmas is a Pagan Holiday
In addition, Jesus Himself said, in speaking of the coming destruction of Jerusalem,
"But pray that your flight be NOT in winter, neither on the Sabbathday."
Matt 24:20
Jesus understood that the wintertime in Palestine was harsh enough to
make traveling difficult and uncomfortable. If the winter was such a
bad time in which to flee, it seems unlikely that the shepherds would
be sleeping out in the fields while tending their sheep during that
Because of these facts, and others to be discussed, it is virtually impossible for the birth of Christ to have occurred on December 25.
Because of these facts, and others to be discussed, it is virtually impossible for the birth of Christ to have occurred on December 25.
"No such festival as Christmas was ever heard of until the THIRD century, and not until the FOURTH century was far advanced did it gain much observance.
"Long before the fourth century, and long before the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the HEATHEN, at that precise time of the year, in honor oft the birth of the son of the Babylonian queen of heaven; and it may fairly be presumed that, in order to conciliate the heathen, and to swell the number of the nominal adherents of Christianity, the same festival was adopted by the Roman Church, giving it only the name of Christ. This tendency on the part of Christians to meet Paganism half-way was very early developed." Ibid, pg 93
is beyond doubt that Christmas was originally a pagan festival. The
time of the year and the ceremonies with which it is still celebrated,
prove its origin.
Isis, the Egyptian title for the "queen of heaven," gave birth to a son at this very time, about the time of the winter solstice. The term "Yule" is the Chaldee (Babylonian) name for "infant" or "little child."
This pagan festival not only commemorated the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but it also was celebrated (on December 24) among the Sabeans of Arabia, as the birthday of the "Lord Moon."
In Babylon, where the sun (Baal) was the object of worship, Tammuz was considered the incarnation of the Sun.
Isis, the Egyptian title for the "queen of heaven," gave birth to a son at this very time, about the time of the winter solstice. The term "Yule" is the Chaldee (Babylonian) name for "infant" or "little child."
This pagan festival not only commemorated the figurative birthday of the sun in the renewal of its course, but it also was celebrated (on December 24) among the Sabeans of Arabia, as the birthday of the "Lord Moon."
In Babylon, where the sun (Baal) was the object of worship, Tammuz was considered the incarnation of the Sun.
"In the Hindu mythology, which is admitted to be essentially Babylonian, this comes out very distinctly. There, Surya, or the Sun, is represented as being incarnate, and born for the purpose of subduing the enemies of the gods, who without such a birth, could not have been subdued." Ibid pg 96
are many other Christmas counterparts of the Babylonian winter
solstice festival, such as: 1) candles lighted on Christmas eve and
used throughout the festival season were equally lighted by the Pagans
on the eve of the festival of the Babylonian god, to do honor to him,
2) the Christmas tree was equally common in Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt.
In Egypt that tree was the palm tree; in Rome it was the fir. The tree
denoted the Pagan Messiah.
"The mother of Adonis, the Sun God and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son. If the mother was a tree, the son must have been recognized as the ŒMan of the branch." Ibid pg 97
Yule log was considered the dead stock of Nimrod (or Tammuz, depending
on the specific nation involved), deified as the sun god, but cut down
by his enemies; the Christmas tree is Nimrod revived - the slain god come to life again.
The Yule occultic colors are red and green.
The mistletoe branch symbolized "the man, the branch" and was regarded as a divine branch - a corrupt Babylonian representation of the true Messiah. Both mistletoe and holly were considered fertility plants by the pagans.
The Yule occultic colors are red and green.
The mistletoe branch symbolized "the man, the branch" and was regarded as a divine branch - a corrupt Babylonian representation of the true Messiah. Both mistletoe and holly were considered fertility plants by the pagans.
"Babylon was, at that time, the center of the civilized world; and thus Paganism, corrupting the Divine symbol as it ever has done, had opportunities of sending forth its debased counterfeit of the truth to all the ends of the earth, through the Mysteries that were affiliated with the great central system in Babylon."
Ibid pg 99
story of the death of Adonis, also known as Tammuz, involved a fatal
wound from the tusk of a boar when Tammuz was 40 years old. That is why
a boar was sacrificed on this Pagan holiday. Even today, a Christmas
ham is a traditional favorite of many.
"According to a Roman almanac, The Christian festival of Christmas was celebrated in Rome by A.D. 336. During the 4th century the celebration of Christ's birth on December 25 was gradually adopted by most Eastern churches. In Jerusalem, opposition to Christmas lasted longer, but it was subsequently accepted.
"The traditional customs connected with Christmas have developed from several sources as a result of the coincidence of the celebration of the birth of Christ with the pagan agricultural and solar observances at mid-winter. December 25 was regarded as the birthdate of the Iranian mystery god Mithra, the Sun of Righteousness. . . The ecclesiastical calendar retains numerous remnants of pre-Christian festivals—notably Christmas, which blends elements including both the feast of the Saturnalia and the birthday of the god Mithra." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1976 edition; Micropedia II, pg 903, Macropedia 15, pg 1063.
The much-loved hero of Christmas, Santa Claus, who "knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good" and who can circumnavigate the globe in one night, is nothing more than the Winter stag god, the god of the hunt, a "take-off" on the true God of heaven, who is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (knows all), and omnipotent (all powerful).
Santa has Eight Reindeer. Reindeer are symbolic of the Pagan Stag god. The number 8 is the number for a new beginning, and, when laid on its side, is the occultic symbol for Infinity.
There can be no doubt that the Pagan festival of the winter solstice—in other words, Christmas—was held in honor of the birth of the Babylonian Messiah.
The prophet Ezekiel is told by God to:
"According to a Roman almanac, The Christian festival of Christmas was celebrated in Rome by A.D. 336. During the 4th century the celebration of Christ's birth on December 25 was gradually adopted by most Eastern churches. In Jerusalem, opposition to Christmas lasted longer, but it was subsequently accepted.
"The traditional customs connected with Christmas have developed from several sources as a result of the coincidence of the celebration of the birth of Christ with the pagan agricultural and solar observances at mid-winter. December 25 was regarded as the birthdate of the Iranian mystery god Mithra, the Sun of Righteousness. . . The ecclesiastical calendar retains numerous remnants of pre-Christian festivals—notably Christmas, which blends elements including both the feast of the Saturnalia and the birthday of the god Mithra." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1976 edition; Micropedia II, pg 903, Macropedia 15, pg 1063.
The much-loved hero of Christmas, Santa Claus, who "knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good" and who can circumnavigate the globe in one night, is nothing more than the Winter stag god, the god of the hunt, a "take-off" on the true God of heaven, who is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (knows all), and omnipotent (all powerful).
Santa has Eight Reindeer. Reindeer are symbolic of the Pagan Stag god. The number 8 is the number for a new beginning, and, when laid on its side, is the occultic symbol for Infinity.
There can be no doubt that the Pagan festival of the winter solstice—in other words, Christmas—was held in honor of the birth of the Babylonian Messiah.
The prophet Ezekiel is told by God to:
"Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they (the Israelites) do.
"Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house (the Temple) which was toward the north; and behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz (A Sumerian fertility god similar to the Greek god, Adonis)." Ezekiel 8:14
25 was also the Day of Saturnalia, a celebration dedicated to the
Chief god, Saturn, during which time there was much drinking, many
banquets, and presents were exchanged.
God is very clear in his directives against the celebration of this Pagan holiday that Christians now universally celebrate as Christmas. God calls this an abomination! Christians celebrate December 25th blindly believe they are honoring the birth of Jesus, when they are in reality honoring the Pagan god Tammuz.
In Jeremiah 10:1-4, we read:
God is very clear in his directives against the celebration of this Pagan holiday that Christians now universally celebrate as Christmas. God calls this an abomination! Christians celebrate December 25th blindly believe they are honoring the birth of Jesus, when they are in reality honoring the Pagan god Tammuz.
In Jeremiah 10:1-4, we read:
"Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:
"Thus saith the Lord, ŒLearn NOT the way of the heathen, and be NOT dismayed at the signs of heaven (the queen of heaven, Isis, worshiped by the heathen), for the heathen are dismayed at them.
"For the customs of the people are futile: for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax.
"They decorate it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."
There could be NO more specific description of a present-day Christmas, than this.
God says, "DON'T do it. This is Paganism!"
God says, "DON'T do it. This is Paganism!"
Easter: It's Totally Pagan too!
Easter is
not a Christian name. It is Chaldean (Babylonian) in origin - the name
Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven. The name
Astarte, as found on the Assyrian monuments by the noted archeologist
Layard, was the name Ishtar. The worship of Bel and Astarte was
introduced very early into Britain, along with the Druids, "the priests
of the groves," the high places where the pagans worshipped the idols
of Baal. In the Almanac of the 1800's, May 1st is called Beltane, from
the pagan god, Bel. The titles Bel and Molech both belong to the same
We must remember that Semiramis (also known as Ishtar) of Babylon, the wife of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz, was the same goddess worshiped throughout the world under various names, such as the Egyptian fertility god, Artemis, the Roman goddess of licentiousness, Venus, the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, and the Ephesian, many-breasted fertility god, Diana, as well as many others.
The (Easter) bunny, the oldest pagan symbol of fertility - Semiramis - has absolutely NOTHING to do with the resurrection of Christ.
Nor does the Sunrise service. Jesus was resurrected while it was still DARK!
We must remember that Semiramis (also known as Ishtar) of Babylon, the wife of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz, was the same goddess worshiped throughout the world under various names, such as the Egyptian fertility god, Artemis, the Roman goddess of licentiousness, Venus, the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, and the Ephesian, many-breasted fertility god, Diana, as well as many others.
The (Easter) bunny, the oldest pagan symbol of fertility - Semiramis - has absolutely NOTHING to do with the resurrection of Christ.
Nor does the Sunrise service. Jesus was resurrected while it was still DARK!
"And early came Mary Magdalene, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre." John 20:1
services are for the worship of the Pagan Sun god - ONLY! In addition,
Jesus was NOT resurrected on Sunday, the first day of the week. Please
see the study entitled "Was Jesus Really Resurrected on Sunday?" at
One mythological legend says that sometime after Semiramis died, a huge egg dropped from heaven. Out of the egg came a re-incarnated Semiramis, now a goddess. The Babylonian Talmud refers to her as Ishtar, or Easter.
The forty days of Lent symbolize one day for each year of Tammuz' life. This period of time is celebrated in the "Christian" church by giving up something to mourn the death - of Tammuz, the son of the pagan goddess Semiramis!
Ezekiel 8:13,14 tells us what God thinks about any festival that recognizes Tammuz:
One mythological legend says that sometime after Semiramis died, a huge egg dropped from heaven. Out of the egg came a re-incarnated Semiramis, now a goddess. The Babylonian Talmud refers to her as Ishtar, or Easter.
The forty days of Lent symbolize one day for each year of Tammuz' life. This period of time is celebrated in the "Christian" church by giving up something to mourn the death - of Tammuz, the son of the pagan goddess Semiramis!
Ezekiel 8:13,14 tells us what God thinks about any festival that recognizes Tammuz:
"The Lord said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they (the Israelites) do.
Then He brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord's house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz."
late as the 19th century, in Great Britain, at Beltan (or the 1st of
May) a number of men and women assembled at an ancient Druidical circle
of stones near Crieff, to participate in an ancient worship feast to
The festival of Pasch, or the Passover, was very early observed by many professing Christians, in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Christ, although it cannot be traced back as far as the Apostles. But Pasch was observed by Christians a full month before the festival of Ishtar was celebrated by the Pagans. In addition, the festival of Ishtar (Easter) now observed in churches is far different from the original festival of Pasch.
The amalgamation of the Christian Pasch, as observed in Britain by the Christians, and the Pagan Easter enforced by Rome, occurred by violence and bloodshed. But at last, the Festival of the Anglo-Saxon or Chaldean goddess, Ishtar, came to supersede that which had been held in honor of Christ.
"The hot cross buns of Good Friday, and the dyed eggs of Easter Sunday figured in the Chaldean rites just as they do today. The Œbuns,' known by the identical name, were used in the worship of the queen of heaven, the goddess Ishtar, as early as the days of Cecrops, the founder of Athens, that is, 1500 years BEFORE the Christian era. One species of sacred bread which used to be offered to the gods was called ŒBoun.'" Hislop, Two Babylons, pg 107.
The festival of Pasch, or the Passover, was very early observed by many professing Christians, in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Christ, although it cannot be traced back as far as the Apostles. But Pasch was observed by Christians a full month before the festival of Ishtar was celebrated by the Pagans. In addition, the festival of Ishtar (Easter) now observed in churches is far different from the original festival of Pasch.
The amalgamation of the Christian Pasch, as observed in Britain by the Christians, and the Pagan Easter enforced by Rome, occurred by violence and bloodshed. But at last, the Festival of the Anglo-Saxon or Chaldean goddess, Ishtar, came to supersede that which had been held in honor of Christ.
"The hot cross buns of Good Friday, and the dyed eggs of Easter Sunday figured in the Chaldean rites just as they do today. The Œbuns,' known by the identical name, were used in the worship of the queen of heaven, the goddess Ishtar, as early as the days of Cecrops, the founder of Athens, that is, 1500 years BEFORE the Christian era. One species of sacred bread which used to be offered to the gods was called ŒBoun.'" Hislop, Two Babylons, pg 107.
"The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven. Jeremiah 7:18
The hot cross buns are not now offered, but eaten instead, on the festival of Easter (Astarte - Ishtar).
"The origin of the Pasch (Passover) eggs is just as clear. The ancient Druids bore an egg as the sacred emblem of their order. In the mysteries of Bacchus, as celebrated in Athens, one part of the nocturnal ceremony consisted in the consecration of an egg. The hindu fables celebrate their mundane egg as of a golden color. In China, even as late as the 19th century, dyed or painted eggs were used during sacred festivals.
"In ancient times, eggs were used in the religious rites of the Egyptians and the Greeks, and were hung up for mystic purposes in their temples. . . The classic poets are full of the fable of the mystic egg of the Babylonians.
"The occult meaning of the mystic egg of Astarte had reference to the ark during the time of the flood, in which the whole human race was shut up, as the chick is enclosed in the egg before it is hatched. And of course, the egg also refers to birth, or creation.
"Though the deified queen, whom Astarte represented, had no actual existence till some centuries after the flood, yet through the doctrine of metampsychosis, which was firmly established in Babylon, it was easy for her worshippers to be made to believe that, in a previous incarnation, she had lived in the Antediluvian world and passed safely through the waters of the flood. The Roman Catholic Church then adopted this mystic egg of Astarte, and consecrated it as a symbol of Christ's resurrection." Ibid pg 109,110.
The Bible clearly tells us what God considers the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection. It is NOT the pagan celebration of Easter, in honor of the pagan god, Ishtar. It is BAPTISM:
"The origin of the Pasch (Passover) eggs is just as clear. The ancient Druids bore an egg as the sacred emblem of their order. In the mysteries of Bacchus, as celebrated in Athens, one part of the nocturnal ceremony consisted in the consecration of an egg. The hindu fables celebrate their mundane egg as of a golden color. In China, even as late as the 19th century, dyed or painted eggs were used during sacred festivals.
"In ancient times, eggs were used in the religious rites of the Egyptians and the Greeks, and were hung up for mystic purposes in their temples. . . The classic poets are full of the fable of the mystic egg of the Babylonians.
"The occult meaning of the mystic egg of Astarte had reference to the ark during the time of the flood, in which the whole human race was shut up, as the chick is enclosed in the egg before it is hatched. And of course, the egg also refers to birth, or creation.
"Though the deified queen, whom Astarte represented, had no actual existence till some centuries after the flood, yet through the doctrine of metampsychosis, which was firmly established in Babylon, it was easy for her worshippers to be made to believe that, in a previous incarnation, she had lived in the Antediluvian world and passed safely through the waters of the flood. The Roman Catholic Church then adopted this mystic egg of Astarte, and consecrated it as a symbol of Christ's resurrection." Ibid pg 109,110.
The Bible clearly tells us what God considers the memorial of Christ's death and resurrection. It is NOT the pagan celebration of Easter, in honor of the pagan god, Ishtar. It is BAPTISM:
"Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death?
Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that just as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
"For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection:
"Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed (rendered inoperative), that henceforth we should not be slaves of sin." Romans 6:3-6
The memorial for Christ's death and resurrection is BAPTISM - - - NOT Easter!
There is NO doubt that Easter is a totally Pagan holiday.
How about Halloween?
ancient Britain and Ireland, the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced
sow-inn), the Lord of the Dead, was observed on October 31, at the end
of summer. The date was also the eve of the new year in both Celtic
and Anglo-Saxon times and was the occasion for one of the ancient fire
festivals when huge bonfires were set on hilltops to frighten away evil
spirits. The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on
this day, and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance,
with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins, black cats, fairies, and demons of
all kinds said to be roaming about.
It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. The pagan observances influenced the Christian festival of All Hallows' Eve, celebrated on the same date." Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropedia IV, pg 862; 1976
Samhain, or Halloween, is the highest night of human sacrifice on the Illuminati calendar. It is also considered a "Cross Road," a very important symbol in the Illuminati. October 31 ends the occultic year, whereas November 1 begins the new occultic year, therefore making this date an important "Cross Road."
Members of Wicca, the modern-day name for Witchcraft, celebrate Halloween as one of their highest holy days. They also gather on May 1st, May Day, the pagan festival of Ishtar. Present-day witches claim they do not worship the devil, Lucifer, or Satan. They say they believe "in a balance of both male and female." Thus, they say, they worship the god and the goddess. They, according to their literature, honor Mother Earth, and hold all of nature with great respect. However, the god and goddess they worship are the same gods worshipped in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Rome and Greece: Nimrod (Tammuz) and Semiramis, just with different names. These are pagan gods and have nothing to do with the true God of the Bible.
Halloween is also a high, holy day for Satanists, those who openly admit to worshiping Satan. It is obvious that Halloween is all about death, skeletons, vampires, ghosts, witches, witches' cauldrons, and various other items connected with darkness, evil and the devil. It originated from the ritual of human sacrifice of a cult of the ancient Celts in Britain, the Druids.
The Druid priests met at stone temple altars, such as Stonehenge, and sacrificed human beings to appease the gods. They also wore frightening masks and clothes (costumes) in an attempt to scare away the ghosts of the dead who were supposed to be revisiting their homes on that night.
The Druids who could not attend the rituals of human sacrifice, instead celebrated this Satanic holy day with Harvest Festivals , also celebrations to the pagan gods of nature. Harvest Festivals, even though completely pagan in their origins, are now often put on by churches as a supposedly "wholesome substitute" for the celebration of the pagan, Satanic rite of Halloween.
It was the time to placate the supernatural powers controlling the processes of nature. The pagan observances influenced the Christian festival of All Hallows' Eve, celebrated on the same date." Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropedia IV, pg 862; 1976
Samhain, or Halloween, is the highest night of human sacrifice on the Illuminati calendar. It is also considered a "Cross Road," a very important symbol in the Illuminati. October 31 ends the occultic year, whereas November 1 begins the new occultic year, therefore making this date an important "Cross Road."
Members of Wicca, the modern-day name for Witchcraft, celebrate Halloween as one of their highest holy days. They also gather on May 1st, May Day, the pagan festival of Ishtar. Present-day witches claim they do not worship the devil, Lucifer, or Satan. They say they believe "in a balance of both male and female." Thus, they say, they worship the god and the goddess. They, according to their literature, honor Mother Earth, and hold all of nature with great respect. However, the god and goddess they worship are the same gods worshipped in ancient Babylon, Egypt, Rome and Greece: Nimrod (Tammuz) and Semiramis, just with different names. These are pagan gods and have nothing to do with the true God of the Bible.
Halloween is also a high, holy day for Satanists, those who openly admit to worshiping Satan. It is obvious that Halloween is all about death, skeletons, vampires, ghosts, witches, witches' cauldrons, and various other items connected with darkness, evil and the devil. It originated from the ritual of human sacrifice of a cult of the ancient Celts in Britain, the Druids.
The Druid priests met at stone temple altars, such as Stonehenge, and sacrificed human beings to appease the gods. They also wore frightening masks and clothes (costumes) in an attempt to scare away the ghosts of the dead who were supposed to be revisiting their homes on that night.
The Druids who could not attend the rituals of human sacrifice, instead celebrated this Satanic holy day with Harvest Festivals , also celebrations to the pagan gods of nature. Harvest Festivals, even though completely pagan in their origins, are now often put on by churches as a supposedly "wholesome substitute" for the celebration of the pagan, Satanic rite of Halloween.
Druids were "the learned class among the ancient Celts, whose name
means Knowing (or Finding) the Oak Tree. They seem to have frequented
oak forests and acted as priests, teachers, and judges. The earliest
known records of the Druids come from the 3rd century BC.
"The Druids offered human victims as sacrifices for those who were gravely sick or in danger of death in battle. Huge wickerwork images were filled with living men and then burned; although the Druids chose criminals by preference, they sacrificed innocent victims if necessary.
"In the early period, Druidic rites were held in clearings in the forest. Sacred buildings were used only later under Roman influence. The Druids were suppressed in Gaul by the Romans under Tiberius (reigned AD 14-37) and probably in Britain a little later." Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia III pg 674: 1976.
These Druidic rites are still celebrated by the elitist of the U.S. and the world, every summer, at the Bohemian Grove, about 60 miles north of San Francisco. Since 1873, the Global Elite has held secret meetings in the ancient Redwood forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include former presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush family maintains a strong involvement and membership includes others of the rich and powerful. During the two-week festival, a Druidic rite takes place with the leaders dressed in the Satanic Druid garb, long red, black and silver robes with hoods.
During the ritual, there is the sacrifice of a human being (an effigy they claim), to the pagan god Molech, with accompanying screams of death of the victim broadcast over the audio system. A huge statue of an owl, representing the pagan god of wisdom, has been permanently built on the grounds and dominates the ritual. For more information, visit
It is during these degenerate, perverted, debase proceedings, that many of the important U.S. and global political decisions are made by the elitists, decisions that often have a very negative impact on the lives of average, hard-working Americans.
This clearly shows that the ancient pagan, Satanic rituals of the Druids are still being honored and embraced today by the global elite, including many presidents, congressmen and senators who claim to be Christian. No TRUE Christian could ever participate in a pagan ceremony such as this.
"The Druids offered human victims as sacrifices for those who were gravely sick or in danger of death in battle. Huge wickerwork images were filled with living men and then burned; although the Druids chose criminals by preference, they sacrificed innocent victims if necessary.
"In the early period, Druidic rites were held in clearings in the forest. Sacred buildings were used only later under Roman influence. The Druids were suppressed in Gaul by the Romans under Tiberius (reigned AD 14-37) and probably in Britain a little later." Encyclopedia Britannica, Micropaedia III pg 674: 1976.
These Druidic rites are still celebrated by the elitist of the U.S. and the world, every summer, at the Bohemian Grove, about 60 miles north of San Francisco. Since 1873, the Global Elite has held secret meetings in the ancient Redwood forest of Northern California. Members of the so-called "Bohemian Club" include former presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan. The Bush family maintains a strong involvement and membership includes others of the rich and powerful. During the two-week festival, a Druidic rite takes place with the leaders dressed in the Satanic Druid garb, long red, black and silver robes with hoods.
During the ritual, there is the sacrifice of a human being (an effigy they claim), to the pagan god Molech, with accompanying screams of death of the victim broadcast over the audio system. A huge statue of an owl, representing the pagan god of wisdom, has been permanently built on the grounds and dominates the ritual. For more information, visit
It is during these degenerate, perverted, debase proceedings, that many of the important U.S. and global political decisions are made by the elitists, decisions that often have a very negative impact on the lives of average, hard-working Americans.
This clearly shows that the ancient pagan, Satanic rituals of the Druids are still being honored and embraced today by the global elite, including many presidents, congressmen and senators who claim to be Christian. No TRUE Christian could ever participate in a pagan ceremony such as this.
Not Valentine's Day too?
day also has occultic origins. Cupid (Tammuz/Osiris/Nimrod) is the son
of the Greek goddess, Venus (Semiramis). Venus, is the daughter of the
Greek god Jupiter, the head god (Nimrod, the sun god of Babylon, and
Ra, the sun god of Egypt). Cupid is depicted with a bow and arrow, a
reminder of Nimrod being a "mighty hunter" (Genesis 10:9).
Valentine's day began as a pagan fertility rite celebrated with drunkenness and sexual license during which time SWEETS and SPRING FLOWERS were given as sacrifices to the gods in the temple.
Unfortunately, almost every holiday that is commonly celebrated can be traced to pagan roots, including the lowly Ground Hog day.
Valentine's day began as a pagan fertility rite celebrated with drunkenness and sexual license during which time SWEETS and SPRING FLOWERS were given as sacrifices to the gods in the temple.
Unfortunately, almost every holiday that is commonly celebrated can be traced to pagan roots, including the lowly Ground Hog day.
Why Were These Pagan Holidays and Festivals "Christianized"?
Christianization of Pagan holidays began about the fourth century A.D.
when the Roman Emperor Constantine, became (or feigned becoming) a
Christian. In order to consolidate his rule, he incorporated the Pagan
holidays and festivals into the church ritual - attracting the Pagans,
but he gave the holidays and festivals new "Christian" names and
identities - thus appeasing the Christians. Over the centuries, this
practice has continued until the present time where we find the two
systems, Paganism and Christianity, almost indistinguishable.
This is the Adversary's clever deception - Paganism dressed up in Christian clothes! It's still nothing more than Paganism, but the Christian churches have wholeheartedly embraced this deception.
This is the Adversary's clever deception - Paganism dressed up in Christian clothes! It's still nothing more than Paganism, but the Christian churches have wholeheartedly embraced this deception.
The Real Story of Christmas
The Real Story of Christmas
![origin of christmas](
The Real Story of Christmas (download) (low bandwidth)
The Real Story of Christmas (download) (high bandwidth)
I. When was Jesus born?
A. Popular myth puts his birth on December 25th in the year 1 C.E.
B. The
New Testament gives no date or year for Jesus’ birth. The earliest
gospel – St. Mark’s, written about 65 CE – begins with the baptism of
an adult Jesus. This suggests that the earliest Christians lacked
interest in or knowledge of Jesus’ birthdate.
C. The
year of Jesus birth was determined by Dionysius Exiguus, a Scythian
monk, “abbot of a Roman monastery. His calculation went as follows:
a. In the Roman, pre-Christian era, years were counted from ab urbe condita (“the founding of the City” [Rome]). Thus 1 AUC signifies the year Rome was founded, 5 AUC signifies the 5th year of Rome’s reign, etc.
b. Dionysius received a tradition that the Roman emperor Augustus reigned 43 years, and was followed by the emperor Tiberius.
c. Luke 3:1,23 indicates that when Jesus turned 30 years old, it was the 15th year of Tiberius reign.
d. If Jesus was 30 years old in Tiberius’ reign, then he lived 15 years under Augustus (placing Jesus birth in Augustus’ 28th year of reign).
e. Augustus took power in 727 AUC. Therefore, Dionysius put Jesus birth in 754 AUC.
f. However, Luke 1:5 places Jesus’ birth in the days of Herod, and Herod died in 750 AUC – four years before the year in which Dionysius places Jesus birth.
D. Joseph
A. Fitzmyer – Professor Emeritus of Biblical Studies at the Catholic
University of America, member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission,
and former president of the Catholic Biblical Association – writing in
the Catholic Church’s official commentary on the New Testament[1],
writes about the date of Jesus’ birth, “Though the year [of Jesus
birth is not reckoned with certainty, the birth did not occur in AD 1.
The Christian era, supposed to have its starting point in the year of
Jesus birth, is based on a miscalculation introduced ca. 533 by
Dionysius Exiguus.”
E. The DePascha Computus, an anonymous document believed to have been written in North
Africa around 243 CE, placed Jesus birth on March 28. Clement, a
bishop of Alexandria (d. ca. 215 CE), thought Jesus was born on
November 18. Based on historical records, Fitzmyer guesses that Jesus
birth occurred on September 11, 3 BCE.
II. How Did Christmas Come to Be Celebrated on December 25?
A. Roman
pagans first introduced the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period
of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During this period,
Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be
punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong
celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy
of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman
community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and
other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s
conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.
B. The ancient Greek writer poet and historian Lucian (in his dialogue entitled Saturnalia)
describes the festival’s observance in his time. In addition to human
sacrifice, he mentions these customs: widespread intoxication; going
from house to house while singing naked; rape and other sexual license;
and consuming human-shaped biscuits (still produced in some English
and most German bakeries during the Christmas season).
C. In the 4th
century CE, Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to
take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in
converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them
that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians.[2]
D. The
problem was that there was nothing intrinsically Christian about
Saturnalia. To remedy this, these Christian leaders named Saturnalia’s
concluding day, December 25th, to be Jesus’ birthday.
E. Christians
had little success, however, refining the practices of Saturnalia. As
Stephen Nissenbaum, professor history at the University of
Massachussetts, Amherst, writes, “In return for ensuring massive
observance of the anniversary of the Savior’s birth by assigning it to
this resonant date, the Church for its part tacitly agreed to allow the
holiday to be celebrated more or less the way it had always been.”
The earliest Christmas holidays were celebrated by drinking, sexual
indulgence, singing naked in the streets (a precursor of modern
caroling), etc.
F. The Reverend Increase Mather of Boston
observed in 1687 that “the early Christians who first observed the
Nativity on December 25 did not do so thinking that Christ was born in
that Month, but because the Heathens’ Saturnalia was at that time kept
in Rome, and they were willing to have those Pagan Holidays
metamorphosed into Christian ones.”[3]
Because of its known pagan origin, Christmas was banned by the
Puritans and its observance was illegal in Massachusetts between 1659
and 1681.[4] However, Christmas was and still is celebrated by most Christians.
G. Some
of the most depraved customs of the Saturnalia carnival were
intentionally revived by the Catholic Church in 1466 when Pope Paul II,
for the amusement of his Roman citizens, forced Jews to race naked
through the streets of the city. An eyewitness account reports, “Before
they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race
more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for
spectators. They ran… amid Rome’s taunting shrieks and peals of
laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony
and laughed heartily.”[5]
H. As part of the Saturnalia carnival throughout the 18th and 19th centuries CE, rabbis of the ghetto in Rome
were forced to wear clownish outfits and march through the city
streets to the jeers of the crowd, pelted by a variety of missiles.
When the Jewish community of Rome sent a petition in1836 to Pope
Gregory XVI begging him to stop the annual Saturnalia abuse of the
Jewish community, he responded, “It is not opportune to make any
On December 25, 1881, Christian leaders whipped the Polish masses into
Antisemitic frenzies that led to riots across the country. In Warsaw
12 Jews were brutally murdered, huge numbers maimed, and many Jewish
women were raped. Two million rubles worth of property was destroyed.
III. The Origins of Christmas Customs
A. The Origin of Christmas Tree
Just as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult and its offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning “Christmas Trees”.[7] Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into their homes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and painted with a Christian veneer by the Church.
Just as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult and its offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning “Christmas Trees”.[7] Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into their homes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and painted with a Christian veneer by the Church.
B. The Origin of Mistletoe
Norse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using a mistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna. Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim.[8] The Christian custom of “kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.[9]
Norse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using a mistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna. Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim.[8] The Christian custom of “kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.[9]
C. The Origin of Christmas Presents
In pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despised citizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia (in December) and Kalends (in January). Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace. The Catholic Church gave this custom a Christian flavor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas (see below).[10]
In pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despised citizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia (in December) and Kalends (in January). Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace. The Catholic Church gave this custom a Christian flavor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas (see below).[10]
D. The Origin of Santa Claus
a. Nicholas was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and later became Bishop of Myra. He died in 345 CE on December 6th. He was only named a saint in the 19th century.
b. Nicholas
was among the most senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea
in 325 CE and created the New Testament. The text they produced
portrayed Jews as “the children of the devil”[11] who sentenced Jesus to death.
c. In 1087, a group of sailors who idolized Nicholas moved his bones from Turkey
to a sanctuary in Bari, Italy. There Nicholas supplanted a female
boon-giving deity called The Grandmother, or Pasqua Epiphania, who used
to fill the children's stockings with her gifts. The Grandmother was
ousted from her shrine at Bari, which became the center of the Nicholas
cult. Members of this group gave each other gifts during a pageant
they conducted annually on the anniversary of Nicholas’ death, December
d. The
Nicholas cult spread north until it was adopted by German and Celtic
pagans. These groups worshipped a pantheon led by Woden –their chief
god and the father of Thor, Balder, and Tiw. Woden had a long, white
beard and rode a horse through the heavens one evening each Autumn.
When Nicholas merged with Woden, he shed his Mediterranean appearance,
grew a beard, mounted a flying horse, rescheduled his flight for
December, and donned heavy winter clothing.
e. In a bid for pagan adherents in Northern
Europe, the Catholic Church adopted the Nicholas cult and taught that
he did (and they should) distribute gifts on December 25th instead of December 6th.
f. In 1809, the novelist Washington Irving (most famous his The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote a satire of Dutch culture entitled Knickerbocker History. The satire refers several times to the white bearded, flying-horse riding Saint Nicholas using his Dutch name, Santa Claus.
g. Dr. Clement Moore, a professor at Union Seminary, read Knickerbocker History,
and in 1822 he published a poem based on the character Santa Claus:
“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a
creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by
the chimney with care, in the hope that Saint Nicholas soon would be
there…” Moore innovated by portraying a Santa with eight reindeer who descended through chimneys.
h. The Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast almost completed the modern picture of Santa Claus. From 1862 through 1886, based on Moore’s poem, Nast drew more than 2,200 cartoon images of Santa for Harper’s Weekly.
Before Nast, Saint Nicholas had been pictured as everything from a
stern looking bishop to a gnome-like figure in a frock. Nast also gave
Santa a home at the North Pole, his workshop filled with elves, and
his list of the good and bad children of the world. All Santa was
missing was his red outfit.
i. In
1931, the Coca Cola Corporation contracted the Swedish commercial
artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa. Sundblom
modeled his Santa on his friend Lou Prentice, chosen for his cheerful,
chubby face. The corporation insisted that Santa’s fur-trimmed suit be
bright, Coca Cola red. And Santa was born – a blend of Christian
crusader, pagan god, and commercial idol.
IV. The Christmas Challenge
· Christmas
has always been a holiday celebrated carelessly. For millennia,
pagans, Christians, and even Jews have been swept away in the season’s
festivities, and very few people ever pause to consider the
celebration’s intrinsic meaning, history, or origins.
· Christmas
celebrates the birth of the Christian god who came to rescue mankind
from the “curse of the Torah.” It is a 24-hour declaration that Judaism is no longer valid.
· Christmas is a lie. There is no Christian church with a tradition that Jesus was really born on December 25th.
· December 25 is a day on which Jews have been shamed, tortured, and murdered.
· Many
of the most popular Christmas customs – including Christmas trees,
mistletoe, Christmas presents, and Santa Claus – are modern
incarnations of the most depraved pagan rituals ever practiced on earth.
Many who are
excitedly preparing for their Christmas celebrations would prefer not
knowing about the holiday’s real significance. If they do know the
history, they often object that their celebration has nothing to do
with the holiday’s monstrous history and meaning. “We are just having
Imagine that between 1933-45, the Nazi regime celebrated Adolf Hitler’s
birthday – April 20 – as a holiday. Imagine that they named the day,
“Hitlerday,” and observed the day with feasting, drunkenness,
gift-giving, and various pagan practices. Imagine that on that day,
Jews were historically subject to perverse tortures and abuse, and that
this continued for centuries.
Now, imagine that your great-great-great-grandchildren were about to celebrate Hitlerday. April 20th
arrived. They had long forgotten about Auschwitz and Bergen Belsen.
They had never heard of gas chambers or death marches. They had
purchased champagne and caviar, and were about to begin the party, when
someone reminded them of the day’s real history and their ancestors’
agony. Imagine that they initially objected, “We aren’t celebrating the
Holocaust; we’re just having a little Hitlerday party.” If you could
travel forward in time and meet them; if you could say a few words to
them, what would you advise them to do on Hitlerday?
December 25, 1941, Julius Streicher, one of the most vicious of
Hitler’s assistants, celebrated Christmas by penning the following
editorial in his rabidly Antisemitic newspaper, Der Stuermer:
one really wants to put an end to the continued prospering of this
curse from heaven that is the Jewish blood, there is only one way to do
it: to eradicate this people, this Satan’s son, root and branch.
It was an appropriate thought for the day. This Christmas, how will we celebrate?
[1] Addison G. Wright, Roland E. Murphy, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, “A History of Israel” in The Jerome Biblical Commentary, (Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990), p. 1247.
The first mention of a Nativity feast appears in the Philocalian
calendar, a Roman document from 354 CE, which lists December 25th as the day of Jesus’ birth.
[3] Increase Mather, A Testimony against Several Prophane and Superstitious Customs, Now Practiced by Some in New England (London, 1687), p. 35. See also Stephen Nissenbaum, The Battle for Christmas: A Cultural History of America’s Most Cherished Holiday, New York: Vintage Books, 1997, p. 4.
[4] Nissenbaum, p. 3.
[5] David I. Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001, p. 74.
[6] Kertzer, p. 33, 74-5.
[7] Clement Miles, Christmas Customs and Traditions: Their History and Significance, New York: Dover Publications, 1976, pp. 178, 263-271.
[8] Miles, p. 273.
[9] Miles, p. 274-5.
[10] Miles, pp. 276-279.
[11] John 8:44
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