Inside the secretive Freemasons Hall | Send to a friend |
Sunday, 15 July 2012 12:58 |
By Peter Muthamia A forlorn white archaic structure on Sokoine Drive, tucked under jacaranda trees, just behind the Hyatt Regency Kilimanjaro Hotel in Dar es Salaam has been the centre of controversy, perhaps resulting from gory stories churned out by the gutter press. The place has been the talk of town in the recent past. Its very existence has fired the wildest imaginations, conjuring up all sorts of images in many minds. There has been speculation about what mysteries the house is keeping, heightening rumours and hearsay as to what goes on behind the walls. The building has elicited interest, not just from the ordinary passersby, but also from the highest echelons of local authority. It is on record that in 1977 the government acquired the Masonic building under the “in public interest” provision. But when an appeal was lodged with the Founding Father of the Nation, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, he graciously restored the property to the freemasons. In their submission to him, freemasons had clearly stated what they stood for and what they do. And on a fact-finding mission, the Conservator of Antiquities decided to visit the premises some years ago, under the impression that some furniture and equipment came under the remit of his department. When each of the questions raised by him was answered, he promptly wrote and said that he was fully satisfied and that his department was not concerned with the property. When seeing is believing Driven by the urge to understand better, I also recently ventured into the Freemason Hall in Dar es Salaam to find the truth for myself. As you walk into the portico or the outer room, your eyes are trained to the numerous yellowing photographs of the Grand Lodge of England, former masters and grand masters of the order donning masonic regalia that include intricately designed aprons, sashes and golden chains. Masonic fraternities have used specialised regalia, symbolic clothing and character costumes to express traditions passed down from the 16th century, I was informed. The photo of the Grandmaster, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent is conspicuous on the wall facing the entrance. But unknown by many, the first astronauts to land on the moon were Freemasons. The beaming portrait of the three astronauts – the first to land on the moon smiles at you from the wall above the arched oak door – there nothing unusual about this for 16 of the American presidents were avowed Freemasons. The furniture is simple – commonplace wooden chairs and large table graces the front room. To anyone, this is a normal for as far as one can see, here is where the members enjoy a drink after a session in the main hall. It simply conjures a notion of a club of men with their own set of beliefs. My guide, who prefers anonymity, ushers me through the anteroom. And all I can see is an ordinary room save for a collection of sacred books – an aged very large volume of King James Bible, the Gita, the Quran and an assortment of other religious books, including one for the Sikhs, the room has nothing unusual – no altars or anything hinting on the bizarre. Walking into the inner hall, one ought to be forgiven for feeling somewhat apprehensive. But that does not stop here. The need to sniff at everything is a common instinct among journalists. I am ushered into a large room where the ceremonies take place. At the entrance I find two staff members, emblazoned with tiny bronze doves carrying olive twigs. “The doves are symbolic of peaceful coexistence among mankind. At Freemason halls, we preach peace. That is why the Brotherhood embraces all religions, creeds and races,” said another guide, who also does not want to be named. We move on. A large white painted room stands ahead of us. A black and white chequered carpet graces the middle of the room. I am informed that black and white checks are representative of life’s ups and downs. Against the four walls are chairs draped in white. I am told that it is where the members sit during the sessions. More elaborate chairs for the master, treasurer and other officials roughly guide one to make out the sitting arrangement during the session. The dimly lit hall is representative of neither a temple nor a casual meeting place, going by the symbols and paraphernalia there in. Hanging on the ceiling is a large letter ‘G’. I am told it is representative of the word God or the Great Architect of the Universe, as the Freemasons are apt to call him (atheists are not allowed to join). “The Masonic letter ‘G’ reminds us that our every act is done in the sight of the Great Architect of the Universe,” says the guide. On the wall, placed behind the Master’s seat are framed certificates and mementos that are symbolic in nature. On the walls are the names of the members of Tanzania’s six lodges that comprise the Roll of Masters – bearing the names of former masters. In the front there is a hard wood podium under which the Lodge Master sits. An elaborately curved chair has in its front a gavel. The Masonic gavel, I am told, is an emblem of authority the Master of the lodge uses to show his executive powers over the assemblage by punctuating its actions. Above the seat, the unmistakable Masonic symbol of a compass and a square are visible from a distance. The guide goes on to say that the square symbolises fairness and moral uprightness while the compass represents right moral direction. “The gavel was a formidable stoneman’s tool. In that era, the gavel was used to hew the rough edges from a stone in order to perfect it,” adds the guide. Casting off the secret society image The Freemasonry, one of the world’s secular fraternal societies is perhaps the most misunderstood. It is felt that Freemasonry is shrouded in mysteries and many images are conjured up of what lurks behind the closed doors of Mason lodges. To shed light on their activities, Sound Living Correspondent Peter Muthamia held an interview with Sir Jayantilal Keshavi Chande (Sir Andy), the former District Grandmaster for East Africa of Freemasons: Who are Freemasons? How long have they been in East Africa? Freemasons are members of a regular Masonic Order concerned with moral and spiritual values and taught precepts of Freemasonry by a series of ritual dramas, following ancient forms and use stonemasons’ customs and tools as allegorical guides. Freemasonry has been in operation in East Africa for the past 107 years. What is the core value of Freemasonry? As supporter of religion, Freemasonry without interfering in religious practice, expects each member to follow his own faith and to place above all other duties his duty to God by whatever name He is known. Its moral teachings are acceptable to all religions. Freemasonry is referred to as a secular fraternal society yet symbolism, ritualism and allegories are said to be rife. Why so? The largest secular, fraternal and charitable organisation (3.5 million Freemasons donate $400 million annually to worthy causes), Freemasonry teaches moral lessons and self-knowledge. This is done through symbols, rituals and allegories. Peter, you are, therefore right, and this is the reason why they are rife as you put it. Let me add that use of allegory and symbolism impress the principles and teachings more firmly in the mind of each candidate than if they were simply passed on to him in matter-of-fact modern language. Freemasonry is described as a “craft”, what specifically does that mean to one with no knowledge of Freemasonry? “Craft” is to be taken in a generic sense. It follows the ancient stonemasons - men who built great cathedrals and castles. They had simple initiation as there was no formal ways of identification, they adopted secret signs and words to demonstrate that they were trained masons when they moved from site to site. Freemasons, it is said, operate in deep secrecy. Why the secrecy? Freemasonry does not operate in secrecy. Meetings are open only to members like other groups, clubs and organisations. They are registered in every location under the relevant legal requirements. Many of these buildings are used by local communities for activities other than Freemasonry. The only secrets in Freemasonry are modes of recognition used as a test of membership. Judeo-Christians and Muslims have associated Freemasonry with cultism and occultism. What do you have to say about this? We are aware of the existence of literature and newspaper reports linking Freemasonry with cultism and occultism. Freemasonry requires a belief in God and its principles are common to the world’s great religions. Over the years we have tried to clear such misunderstanding but some people are averse to accepting explanation. When the former President Moi of Kenya had established a Presidential Commission on Devil Worship I was summoned by the Commission to explain the public perception that Freemasons were a cult of Devil Worshipers. Following an hour-long interrogation by the Commission its members were invited to inspect our building on Nyerere Road in Nairobi, which they did in the company of a TV crew and print media journalists. Although the Presidential Commission’s findings were not available to us we were able to obtain an extract about us, which totally exonerated Freemasons from Devil Worship allegations. At the same time we were invited by the Commission to try to educate the public on what we are and what we do. It is said that Freemasonry espouses as one of its values that a man’s duty is first to his God. Which God do you refer to? What sacred books do you use? Are atheists welcome? Freemasonry accepts only those men who believe in God and since the membership includes Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsees and others the God is referred to as the Great Architect of the Universe who is not a specific Masonic God or indeed trying to composite all Gods into one. Instead, it provides a common acceptable vehicle for men following different faiths. To the majority of Freemasons the sacred book is the Bible but since there are many members who follow different faiths they would naturally make their promises or take their obligations using the book, which they consider sacred. Are there special qualities for one to be initiated into the order? No, there are no special qualities. The man should be at least 21 years old and must voluntarily seek the membership. He must be of good report and practice acceptable moral behaviour. He is expected to regard his Freemasonry as a moral code subordinate to but supportive of his religion and pay an annual subscription to his lodge and for his meals after the meeting. Does Freemasonry see to spiritualisation of man as a means to an end or an end unto itself? Freemasonry does not have the basic element of a religion. It has no theological doctrine nor will Freemasonry allow for such a doctrine to develop. It offers no sacraments and does not claim to lead to salvation nor attempt to spiritualise a member. |
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