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Monday, August 13, 2012

Archangel Ambriel Will Help You Gain Clarity

What is clarity? Clarity is defined as being able to see clearly. It is about clearing away confusion, doubt, disbelief and fear. It is clearing away the debris, the fog that appears when you have doubts about the next step or set of steps along the path before you.
As you are willing to see through the fog of doubt and confusion, you clear the way to seeing, sensing and knowing the truth. It is about being willing to see, to discern that which is for your highest and best good, that of your Higher-Self.
Archangel Ambriel, when asked, will assist all who seek clarity of mind, emotion and an awareness of the path before them. The gift of sight clears the way for all that is before you. Call upon the Angel of Clarity and Truth revealing unlimited possibilities which await you.
What does clarity really have to do with following your path, expanding your conscious awareness? Seeing clearly means being willing and able to see past surface appearances, past the mask of perception that someone may be attempting to hide behind.
It is important to understand or to be aware that being willing to see beyond surface appearances does not mean you are then required to continue to travel the path with someone. It is about total acceptance which includes your choice of traveling companions along the journey in physical form.
A Message from Archangel Ambriel*
What is it you seek beloved child of light? Do you seek to speak your truth more clearly? Do you seek new opportunities in job or career? Do you know what it is you seek this day? Take a few moments, light a candle of red or silver. Declare your intentions for that which you desire most. Be truthful with yourself, what is it you truly desire? Perhaps you seek a love relationship, a harmonious working environment. Perhaps you seek a deeper connection with Divine Source Energy. Focus your thoughts, your emotions upon what you desire rather than not having what you desire. Focusing upon what you do not want brings more of what you do not want, to include negative emotions and thoughts of lack. Turn your thoughts to giving thanks for all you desire; open your heart, mind, your Soul. Clear your inner space; create space for all you desire and more. Speak your truth with clarity.

Seeing clearly reveals the truth about a situation, an experience and even about someone. Being able to see clearly gives you the gift of knowledge and wisdom.
Seeing clearly enables you to reach through the fear of the unknown. It creates a sense of confidence and reassurance that all is occurring in Divine Order and arriving in Divine Time.
Speaking your truth is an excellent way to see with clarity. As you accept who you are with each step, with each experience, you are able to clear the path before you with grace and ease, trusting all you sense, know, see and hear.

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