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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Code Name Artichoke - The CIA's Secret Experiments on Humans

Introduction to the Collage Method:
Chaos, Creation, & Collage

The Collage Method consists of a progressive sequence of physical activities and a closely correlated series of therapeutic interviews.

Taken one by one the physical activities of collage-making appear disarmingly simple, so simple in fact that their significance easily escapes notice. However, when they are taken together, as an integrated series of transformations, a quite surprising symbolism appears. The activities entailed in making and physically transforming collages can then be seen to embody the logic of psychological development. These activities comprise an extended metaphor: they symbolize the growth of the human mind.

This correspondence between a series of ‘simple’ activities on the one hand, and a subtle developmental logic on the other, is the key to the Collage Method. Thanks to this correspondence, the Collage Method enables the collage maker to re-trace, in a forward direction, the path by which the psyche develops in infancy, childhood, and adolescence.

The logic of psychological development is not something one leaves behind as one ‘grows up.’ Childhood is important precisely because it provides access to a universal generative function, which is the logic of creativity in general. The psychotherapeutic power of the Collage Method derives from the fact that it provides a way to re-access this universal logic of creation.

On the Collage Path every step is symbolic. Every step on this path symbolizes some essential increment of symbolizing capability. That is why it is possible to say that the Collage Path symbolizes symbolization. Expressed differently, the collage process provides a ‘user interface’ to the mind’s inner black box, a way to engage the psychoformative action by which, in creating and re-creating many types of symbols, the psyche keeps itself alive.

Why is the Collage Method a psychotherapeutic technique? The Collage Method functions in two ways simultaneously: the Collage Path provides both an open format for personal expression, and an ordered sequence for structural transformation. This double-functioning enables people to tell their personal stories in such a way that the stories open up, the elements become fluid and available to enter into new combinations, and the teller/collage-maker becomes accessible to creative change.

The specific images used by collage makers are important, of course, but the content of these images, and the interpretation of this content, are approached indirectly here: from the ‘bottom up.’ In this approach, the process of discerning and interpreting meaning is enfolded within a re-creation of those mental operations that establish meaning, and, more specifically, establish the capactity to make meanings, in the first place.

In the same way that the progressive logic of psychological development transforms the child’s experience, so also the operations performed upon the collage transform the multi-image field. These structuring operations—highly abstract and elusive in actual life, but in this method foregrounded and made concrete—are the object of the Collage Path.

Re-creating these paradigmatic operations leads to interpretations of the particular, very personal images, configurations, and transformations that appear during the course of a collage process. But, more fundamentally, these operations produce a psychological subject who is capable of forming and using such interpretations: a “collage maker” who is a locus of subjectivity and is, himself or herself, continually under construction.…

Specific images are chosen by collage makers because they are bearers of feeling, or because they serve as emotional catalysts, marking essential positions in what becomes, thanks to their presence, a highly charged emotional space. When these feeling-laiden and feeling-marking images are combined in multi-image configurations, the feelings at play are multiplied by the interactions that occur among all the images. The amount of feeling in the total field can then become nearly overwhelming.

Feelings intensify when strongly motivated images are brought close to each other. A need then arises to re-structure the whole image-field in which these images occur, so that mounting levels of excitation can be made bearable by being channelized in new ways. Successive re-structurations raise the field to progressively higher levels of organization, each new level governed by more complex cognitive principles.

Over the course of a collage process the collage-maker’s core images and key personal symbols, including ones that have been repressed or disavowed, come to light. Given the depth of the developmental sequence that the Collage Path re-creates, and the vividness of the materials it employs, they can scarcely fail to do so. But these symbols emerge here in a formative context, in which the primary object is not symbols but symbolization. This implies that the psychic conditions that will enable these problematic, feeling-laiden symbols to be clearly faced and progressively re-integrated, re-symbolized within a more differentiated self — these symbolizing conditions are, on the Collage Path, re-created along with the symbols they support.

The mind is, inherently, a pluralistic society; a collage is, above all, a contained multiplicity. Hence it is not the action of isolated images, no matter how potent, that motivates the movement we will follow here; it is, rather, energies and tensions generated within multi-image fields that propel it. Accordingly, the cultural background presumed by the Collage Path is the contemporary experience of over-stimulation and fragmentation: the experience of multiple elements proliferating, generating a surplus of feeling, becoming unmanageable. Fragmentation is both a paradigmatic psychological symptom and an inescapable prelude to innovation; a source of anxiety and pain, and an opening to the birth of new form.

 Commentators  Mailer and Marchant

Norman Mailer, excerpts from his novel Harlot’s Ghost (1991)
The Family Jewels and the “High Holies”
The Letter
“Wet jobs” and termination experiments

Fred Marchant, three poems from Full Moon Boat (2000):
“The Collage House”
“The Phoenix Program”

Family sues US over mysterious death of scientist who was drugged during Cold War

WASHINGTON — The sons of a Cold War scientist who plunged to his death in 1953 several days after unwittingly taking LSD in a CIA mind-control experiment sued the government Wednesday. They claimed the CIA murdered their father, Frank Olson, by pushing him from a 13th-story window of a hotel — not, as the CIA says, that he jumped to his death.

Sons Eric and Nils Olson of Frederick, Md., sought unspecified compensatory damages in the lawsuit filed in federal court, but their lawyer, Scott D. Gilbert, said they also want to see a broad range of documents related to Olson’s death and other matters that they say the CIA has withheld from them since the death.

Olson was a bioweapons expert at Fort Detrick, the Army’s biological weapons research center in Maryland. Their lawsuit claims the CIA killed Olson when he developed misgivings after witnessing extreme interrogations in which they allege the CIA committed murder using biological agents Olson had developed.

The CIA had a program in the 1950s and ‘60s called MK-ULTRA, which involved brainwashing and administering experimental drugs like LSD to unsuspecting individuals. The project was investigated by Congress in the 1970s.

Olson consumed a drink laced with LSD by CIA agents on Nov. 19, 1953, the suit says. Later that month, after being taken to New York City purportedly for a “psychiatric” consultation, Olson plunged to his death.

At the time — when Eric and Nils Olson were 9 and 5 years old, respectively — the CIA said he died in an accident and did not divulge to his family that Olsen had been given LSD.

But in 1975, a commission headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller released a report on CIA abuses that included a reference to an Army scientist who had jumped from a New York hotel days after being slipped LSD in 1953. Family members threatened to sue, but President Gerald Ford invited the family to the White House, assuring them they would be given all the government’s information. CIA Director William Colby handed over documents and the family accepted a $750,000 settlement to avert a lawsuit.

In an email, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood said that while the agency doesn’t comment on matters before U.S. courts, “CIA activities related to MK-ULTRA have been thoroughly investigated over the years, and the agency cooperated with each of those investigations.” She noted that tens of thousands of pages related to the program have been released to the public.

In a statement, Eric Olson said that the CIA has not given a complete picture of what happened to his father.

“The evidence shows that our father was killed in their custody,” he said. “They have lied to us ever since, withholding documents and information, and changing their story when convenient.”

 Mike Rivero interviews Hank H.P. Albarelli Mar 24 2010

On November 28, 1953, one of America’s greatest mysteries occurred when a Army biochemist working with the CIA fell to his death from a hotel window in New York City. Twenty-two years later it was revealed that the scientist, Frank Olson, had been drugged with LSD days before his death. In 1996, the New York District Attorney’s Office opened a murder investigation into Olson’s strange death.

related : Jack Blood Hank H.P. Albarelli Mar 17 2010

Code Name Artichoke - (Full Length)
 The CIA's Secret Experiments on Humans


Nov 28, 6:21 PM EST
Family sues US over (Frank Olson) scientist's mysterious death

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The sons of a Cold War scientist who plunged to his death in 1953 several days after unwittingly taking LSD in a CIA mind-control experiment sued the government Wednesday. They claimed the CIA murdered their father, Frank Olson, by pushing him from a 13th-story window of a hotel - not, as the CIA says, that he jumped to his death.

Sons Eric and Nils Olson of Frederick, Md., sought unspecified compensatory damages in the lawsuit filed in federal court, but their lawyer, Scott D. Gilbert, said they also want to see a broad range of documents related to Olson's death and other matters that they say the CIA has withheld from them since the death.

Olson was a bioweapons expert at Fort Detrick, the Army's biological weapons research center in Maryland. Their lawsuit claims the CIA killed Olson when he developed misgivings after witnessing extreme interrogations in which they allege the CIA committed murder using biological agents Olson had developed.

The CIA had a program in the 1950s and `60s called MK-ULTRA, which involved brainwashing and administering experimental drugs like LSD to unsuspecting individuals. The project was investigated by Congress in the 1970s.

Olson consumed a drink laced with LSD by CIA agents on Nov. 19, 1953, the suit says. Later that month, after being taken to New York City purportedly for a "psychiatric" consultation, Olson plunged to his death.

At the time - when Eric and Nils Olson were 9 and 5 years old, respectively - the CIA said he died in an accident and did not divulge to his family that Olsen had been given LSD.

But in 1975, a commission headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller released a report on CIA abuses that included a reference to an Army scientist who had jumped from a New York hotel days after being slipped LSD in 1953. Family members threatened to sue, but President Gerald Ford invited the family to the White House, assuring them they would be given all the government's information. CIA Director William Colby handed over documents and the family accepted a $750,000 settlement to avert a lawsuit.

In an email, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood said that while the agency doesn't comment on matters before U.S. courts, "CIA activities related to MK-ULTRA have been thoroughly investigated over the years, and the agency cooperated with each of those investigations."

The Sequoia Seminars - 1954 - LSD Therapy - History  -> Henry Burton Sharman ->>  Jesus as teacher Canadian Missionaries to China -->>  James Gareth Endicott -- >>  Zhou Enlai -->> OSS Dixie Mission -->> Japan Unit 731 --->>> BioWarfare Korea --->  Frank Olson BioWarfare and Chemical Warfare -  Fort Dietrick - LSD    
Ok - But what does all this have to do with LSD? You ask .... Frank Olson
TV film on death of Frank Olson
German documentary charges US used biological weapons in Korean War
By Peter Schwarz 13 November 2002 ...
Dirty little secrets  (video)
Al Jazeera investigates claims that the US used germ warfare during the Korean War.
Diarmuid Jeffreys Last Modified: 04 Apr 2010 11:25 GMT
North Korea alleges that the US used biological weapons against Korean civilians during the war– dropping "germ" bombs containing insects, shellfish and feathers infected with anthrax, typhoid and bubonic plague on villages across the country

People & Power - Dirty little secrets
Codename Artichoke—the Secret Human Experiments of the CIA is available in German only from C. Bertelssmann Verlag, Munich.
 Secret Human Experiments of the CIA

related: Vietnam Mia's left to die and be tortured in  China/USSR/North korea:

Code Name Artichoke - The CIA's Secret Experiments on Humans (2002)

More than 40 years after his death, the body of former CIA scientist Dr. Frank Olson has been exhumed. Olson's son Eric is convinced his father was murdered by agents of the American government because he wanted to leave the CIA. Dr. Frank Olson was an expert for anthrax and other biological weapons and had top security clearance. Forensic pathologists at George Washington University performed an autopsy and concluded that Olson probably was the victim of a violent crime. A film by Egmont R. Koch and Michael Wech.

 Entire Script:

Articles, films, texts, broadcasts (most recent first):
See below for other anthrax, BW, Detrick, CIA-history, 9/11, and Iraq-related stories.

“Dr. G: America’s Most Shocking Cases.”
Feature on the Frank Olson case.
Discovery Health Channel.
(Premier 9 PM EDT, April 2, 2010.)

“Dirty Little Secrets.”
One-hour documentary film examines the allegation of American use of biological weapons in the Korean War.
AlJazeera English.
(March 17, 2010.)
Related clip: Japanese Unit 731.
Related clip: Secret Detrick deal with the Japanese.

“Frank Olson's murder is like a nuclear bomb in an 18th century naval battle…”
“LSD, Murder and the CIA: Frank Olson, Enemy Combatant.”
By David Swanson.
(March 26 - 28, 2010.)

“Long, strange trip:
Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system?”
by Philip Messing.
New York Post.
(March 13, 2010.)

“A Terrible Mistake: H.P. Albarelli's Investigation into CIA Scientist's Murder, at the Crossroads of Mind Control and Assassination.”
By Melissa Roddy
Huffington Post.
(Posted March 4, 2010.)

The Pont St.-Esprit Incident
“Very bad trip à Pont-Saint-Esprit.”
En 1951,un bourg entier du Gard hallucine pendant une semaine. Un journaliste américain prétend avoir percé le mystère : le village aurait été arrosé de LSD par la CIApour une expérience secrète.
Par Loïc Chauvin.
PDF version.
(Les Inrockuptibles, numéro 744 / 3 mars 2010.)

Related links on Pont St.-Esprit:
Interview with H.P. Albarelli.
Red Ice Radio on YouTube.
Telegraph (London).
Government Executive. com

“The Real Roots of the CIA's Rendition and Black Sites.”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Jeffrey Kaye
(Posted February 18, 2010.)
Originally published at Truthout.

“A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments.”
By H.P. Albarelli, Jr.
(Trine Day, Nov. 2009, 826 pp.)
Barnes & Noble.

The Men Who Stare at Goats.
By Jon Ronson.
(Picador Books, Sept. 2004.)
Chapters on the Olson story omitted from the 2009 George Clooney film:
“The 1953 House.”
“Harolds Club or Bust!”

Watch clips from “Anthrax War,” including video from
“The Ghost of Frank Olson.”

“The Ghost of Frank Olson.”
Chapter 4 of,
Dead Silence: Fear and Terror on the Anthrax Trail.
By Bob Coen and Eric Nadler.
(Counterpoint Press, June 9, 2009.)

“Anthrax War.”
Premier on CBC Newsworld, March 29, 2009, 9 PM Eastern.
Docmentary film on the world of biological weapons which takes its point of departure in the anthrax letters sent after 9/11, then follows trail wherever it leads. Includes a segment on the Olson case.
A Canada-France coproduction directed by Bob Coen, produced by Galafilm and TelFrance / Transformer Films for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Société Radio-Canada and ARTE.

“Unsolved Mysteries” segment on the Olson case from 1994, to repeat on Spike TV.
“CIA Coverup.”
(Scheduled: Nov.18, 2008, 9 AM)
“On the Set:
Unsolved Mysteries; The Life and Death of Dr. Frank Olson.”
A radio broadcast from the set of “Unsolved Mysteries,” recorded during the 1994 filming at the Hotel Belevedere in Baltimore
Also available on iTunes.
Host, Herb Malsman, “Visions.”

The CIA Magician: John Mullholland's Secret Life.
by Ben Robinson,
Lybrary Books, 2008.

“Sins of the CIA.”
Chapter 10 of,
Philadelphia Freedom, Memoir of a Civil Rights Lawyer.
By David Kairys.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2008,
© David Kairys.
Note: Attorney David Kairys and his partner David Rudovsky represented the Olson family in dealings with the U.S. government in the 1970’s.)

“Code Name Artichoke” airs in France.
(August 11, 13, 17, and 23, 2008)

“'This is different:' Son of scientist who died in 1953 compares cases then and now.”
By Karen Gardner.
Frederick News Post.
(The Buce Ivins anthrax letters “suicide” and the Olson case.)
(August 05, 2008.)

“CIA Secret Experiments.”
One hour documentary special:
National Geographic Channel.
Premier: March 10, 2008, 10 PM.
Also airs:
Tuesday, March 11, 12AM.
Monday, March 17, 6PM.

“Memories of a C.I.A. Officer Resonate in a New Era.”
New York Times.
By Scott Shane.
(February 24, 2008.)
In 1960, C.I.A officer Larry Devlin was told by Sidney Gottlieb to kill a Congolese politician, an episode that resonates with today’s debate about the limits of covert actions to counter a different global threat.

“C.I.A. Destroyed Tapes of Harsh Interrogations.”
By Mark Mazzetti.
(December 6, 2007)
The C.I.A. destroyed the videotapes in 2005 in the midst of congressional and legal scrutiny about its secret detention program, according to government officials.

Norman Mailer dead at 84.
(Nov. 10, 2007)
Norman Mailer on the Olson case: excerpts from Mailer’s novel Harlot’s Ghost (1991)

“Defenestration Opera.”
Opera based on the Frank Olson story (one part of a “Defenestration Trilogy) opens in New York.
(October 5, 2007.)

“CIA's darkest secret.”
(CIA release of “Family Jewels”)
By James Carroll.
Boston Globe.
July 2, 2007.

“The Living Weapon.”
PBS documentary film on the history of biological warfare.
(Feb. 5, 2007.)

“Best and Brightest.”
By David Denby.
Review of “The Good Shepherd.”
The New Yorker.
(Issue of Dec. 25, 2006-Jan.1, 2007.)

“Frank Olson.”
Featured article in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia.

“It Didn’t Start with Abu Ghraib: The Olson Case—
Dick Cheney: Vice President for Torture and War.” (PDF file)
By Jeffrey Steinberg
Executive Intelligence Review.
(Volume 32, Number 44, November 11, 2005.)

“Frank Olson.”
The Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories.
By James McConnachie and Robin Tudge.
(Penguin Books, Sept. 2005.)

“Frank Olson: The Man Who Fell Thirteen Stories.”
Chapter 3 of A Voice for the Dead: A Forensic Investigator’s Pursuit of Truth in the Grave.
By James E. Starrs (Professor of Law and Forensic Science, George Washington University Law Center) with Katherine Ramsland. (Conclusion.)
(G.P.Putnam’s Sons,
February 2005.)

“MI6 ordered LSD tests on servicemen: Volunteers fed hallucinogen in mind control experiments.”
By Rob Evans.
The Guardian (London).
(Saturday January 22, 2005.)

“Code Name Artichoke”
Watch the film on Google.

LinkTV & “Code Name Artichoke”
Since the film’s premier in 2002, Satellite channel LinkTV has shown “Code Name Artichoke” more than 100 times. In connection with the film, LinkTV has posted a CIA statement on the Olson case, along with a response from the Olson Family.
(January 19, 2005)

Radio interview with Eric Olson. “The International Connection,” hosted by Greg Duffell and Daniel Besharat (one hour).
CKLN Radio, Toronto.
Originally broadcast on Oct. 6 and Oct. 13, 2002.
Rebroadcast on the “AluhLooyah Show,” Independent Media Center Radio Network (San Diego), 24 minutes into show, Dec. 9, 2004.

“Crazy Rulers of the World.”
TV documentary for British Channel 4 on Sidney Gottlieb and his legacy, including the murder of Frank Olson.
Directed by Jon Ronson.
Based on Ronson’s book The Men Who Stare at Goats.
(Air date in England: Nov. 21, 2004.)

The Men Who Stare at Goats.
By Jon Ronson.
(Picador Books, Sept. 2004.)

“The Terror Doctors.”
Special issue of Freedom Magazine (Vol. 36, Issue 2, Sept. 2004).
“Inside the Sleep Room,”
By Gordon Thomas.
(Article on British psychiatrist William Sargant, Canadian psychiatrist Ewen Cameron, American psychiatrist Louis “Jolly” West; includes discussion of the Olson case.)

“Son probes strange death of WMD worker. He believes agents murdered employee of Army to protect government secrets.”
By Scott Shane.
San Francisco Chronicle.
(September 12, 2004.)
(Reprinted from Baltimore Sun, see below.)

“Frank Olson: The Man Who Fell Thirteen Stories.”
By James E. Starrs (Professor of Law and Forensic Science, George Washington University Law Center) with Katherine Ramsland. Excerpt from A Voice for the Dead.
(Forthcoming from G.P.Putnam’s Sons, February 2005.)

“Frederick's 'Candidate' was not Frank Olson, but Frederick itself.”
(Response to Roy Meachum; see below.)
By Eric Olson.
Frederick News-Post.
August 22, 2004.

Featured article in Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia for August 11, 2004.

Frederick's 'Candidate.'
By Roy Meachum.
Frederick News-Post.
August 4, 2004.
More on the connection of "The Manchurian Candidate" to the Olson Case.

“A father lost.”
Since 1953, Eric Olson has heard more than one explanation for his father's mysterious death. Now he believes it was murder.
By Scott Shane
Baltimore Sun.
(Sunday, August 1, 2004)

“Buried secrets of biowarfare”
During the Cold War, top Army scientists toiled stealthily in rural Maryland to make covert weapons coveted by new enemies.
By Scott Shane
Baltimore Sun.
(Sunday, August 1, 2004)

“How brainwashing came to life and thrived.”
By Jeff Stryker.
San Francisco Chronicle.
(August 1. 2004.)

US Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld Linked to “Murder of CIA Scientist.”
By Gordon Thomas.
(June 2004)
Gordon Thomas statement on the Olson case, Nov. 30, 1998

“The Frank Olson Murder.”
Serendipity Website.

A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments.
H.P. Albarelli, Jr.
(Forthcoming, May 2005.)

“Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the Manchurian Candidate.”
by Maureen Farrell
(May 18, 2004)

“Acid Drop.”
By Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen.
Chapter 80 of:
The 80 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time.
(January 2004.)

“War and Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.”
By Samantha Power.
The New York Times.
(December 14, 2003.)

“Margaret Singer, a Leading Brainwashing Expert, Dies at 82.”
By Anahad O’Connor
The New York Times.
(December 7, 2003.)

“Mystery Surrounds Death of State Dept. Official.”
By Wayne Madsen
(special to From The Wilderness.)
(November 20, 2003.)

“The Dark Art of Interrogation.”
By Mark Bowden.
The Atlantic Monthly.
(October 2003.)

“Final agony of RAF volunteer killed by sarin - in Britain
As the inquest into the death of a 'human guinea pig' at Porton Down opens, a witness breaks 50 years' silence to recount the horrors he saw”
By Antony Barnett, public affairs editor
Guardian Unlimited.
( September 28, 2003)

“Brainwashed: Where the ‘Manchurian Candidate’ came from.”
By Louis Menand.
The New Yorker.
(September 15, 2003)
Response by Eric Olson to Louis Menand New Yorker piece.

“Scientist was the 'Bane of Proliferators'”
By Judith Miller.
New York Times.
(July 21, 2003)

“British Arms Expert at Center of Dispute on Iraq Data is Found Dead, His Wife Says.”
By Warren Hoge with Judith Miller.
New York Times.
(July 19, 2003)

“The Mysterious Death of CIA Scientist Frank Olson” (Part 2).
By H. P. Albarelli Jr.
Crime Magazine.
(May 19, 2003.)

“Ft. Detrick Unearths Hazardous Surprises: Cleanup Finds Debris Of Biological Warfare.”
By Elizabeth Williamson.
Washington Post.
(May 27, 2003.)

“The Front Lines of Biowarfare
Today's Anti-Terrorism:
Effort Casts Early Test Subjects in New Light”
By David Snyder.
Washington Post.
(Tuesday, May 6, 2003.)

“Murray, the Zelig.”
Chapter 18 of,
Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of an American Terrorist.”
By Alson Chase.
(New York: W.W. Norton, 2003.)

“The Mysterious Death of CIA Scientist Frank Olson” (Part 1).
By H. P. Albarelli Jr.
Crime Magazine.
(December 18, 2002)

“Undercover Government Murder.”
By Kristin Olson.
George Washington University paper for English Dept course on “Ways of Seeing” by Frank Olson’s granddaughter.
(December 2003)

“TV film on death of Frank Olson:
German documentary charges US used biological weapons in Korean War.”
Summary and review by Peter Schwarz.
World Socialist Web Site.
(November 13, 2002)
“Code Name Artichoke: The Secret Human Experiments of the CIA.” [Script]

“Richard Helms, Ex-C.I.A. Chief, Dies at 89”
By Christopher Marquis.
New York Times.
(Oct. 24, 2002)
(On Richard Helms’ role in MK-ULTRA see: “The CIA’s Electric Cool-aid Acid Test,” )

Deckname Artischocke: Die geheimen Menschenversuche der CIA.
By Egmont Koch and Michael Wech.
(Book on the Frank Olson case and its historical context, published in German. Title in English: “Codename Artichoke: The Secret Human Experiments of the CIA.”)
352 pages, includes index.
C. Bertelssmann verlag, München, publisher.

“Government-linked 'suicide' probed
1954 incident bears similarities to death of CIA biochemist”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr.
(September 8, 2002.)

Mindfield: The CIA and Its Secret Experiments with MKULTRA and Germ Warfare.
By Gordon Thomas.
(Extensive treatment of Frank Olson case.)
E-book, available for download.
(September 2002.)
(Gordon Thomas statement on the Frank Olson case, Nov. 30, 1998)

Radio interview with Eric Olson.
“Frank R. Olson CIA Death.”
An examination into the death of Frank R. Olson in 1953 and work by his family at establishing the exact cause. Did Frank Olson know far too much about US germ warfare and mind control to quit his post?
Hosts Greg Duffell and Daniel Besharat
Program, “International Connection.”
CKLN Radio, Toronto.
(August 31, 2002.)

“The CIA, the Bush Gang and
the Killing of Frank Olson.”
By Chris Floyd.
August 28, 2002.

“Scientist Was Killed to Stop Him Revealing Death Secrets;
So Did Cheney and Rumsfeld Cover Up a CIA Assassination?”
By Gordon Thomas.
London Sunday Express.
Sunday August 25, 2002.

“Did he jump or was he pushed?”
By Jon Ronson
The Guardian (London)
(Sat. August 17, 200.2)

LSD für hartnäckige Zeugen”
By Matthias Gebauer.
(August 14, 2002.)

“Agency hushed anthrax scandal.”
By Billy Cox.
Florida Today.
(Aug 13, 2002)

“Code Name Artichoke: The Secret Human Experiments of the CIA.” [Script]
One-hour documentary film on the death of Frank Olson in its international historical context; produced and directed by Egmont Koch and Michael Wech, Bremen, Germany.
(Premier August 12, 2002 on ARD Network in Germany; international version in English available.)

“In reburial, Olsons hope to lay saga of father to rest:
Family has disputed government claims he committed suicide in '53;
Ceremony planned for today.”
By Stephanie Desmon
Baltimore Sun.
(Aug. 9, 2002)

Olson family statement released at Aug. 8, 2002 press conference.

“Familj anklagar CIA för forskarmord”
(“Family accuses the CIA of scientist’s murder.”
By Mats Carlbom.
Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm)
Article in Swedish.
(Aug. 10, 2002)

“Army Scientist Killed by CIA?”
WJLA-TV & Washington, I-Team.
Reporter: Del Walters
Includes video.
(August 08, 2002 8:07pm)

“Scientist's death haunts family.”
By Fredric N. Tulsky
San Jose Merury News.
(Aug. 7, 2002.)

“CIA Scientist Frank Olson”
Report by Daniel Schorr.
“All Things Considered.”
NPR Radio
(Aug. 7, 2002.)

“Sex, Drugs, and the CIA.” (3 Part article)
By Douglas Valentine.
CounterPunch Special Report.
(June 20, 2002)

“The C.I.A.'s Domestic Reach.”
By Tim Weiner.
New York Times.
(Jan. 20, 2002).

“U.S. Selling Papers Showing How to Make Germ Weapons”
By William J. Broad.
New York Times.
(Jan. 13, 2002)
Other anthrax, BW, Detrick, and 9/11-related stories

“Army harvested victims' blood to boost anthrax: Ex-scientists detail Detrick experiments.”
By Scott Shane.
Baltimore Sun.
(Dec. 23, 2001)

“The Coldest Warrior”
(Profile of Sidney Gottlieb; includes extended discussion of the Olson case.)
By Ted Gup.
Washington Post Magazine.
(Sunday, Dec. 16, 2001)
(Transcript of online discussion with Ted Gup, Dec. 17.)
See also, Norman Mailer on Gottlieb.

“Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks”
By Rick Weiss and Susan Schmidt.
Washington Post.
(Dec. 16, 2001).
(Three of the sites essential to the Frank Olson story—Ft. Detrick, Dugway, and Porton Down—appear in the current investigations into the sources of anthrax.)

Two-part history of anthrax, by H.P. Albarelli, Jr.:
1. “The secret history of anthrax: Declassified documents show widespread experimentation in '40s.”
WorldNet Daily
(Nov. 6, 2001).
2. “Feds' involvement in anthrax experiments: Records show conflicting reports about bacterium's use as weapon.”
WorldNet Daily
(Nov. 21, 2001).
(Part II of this history contains important new information on the Frank Olson case, particularly with respect to the European connection.)

“U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits”
By Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William J. Broad.
New York Times.
(Sept. 4, 2001).
“Mid-century deaths all linked to CIA? New evidence in Olson case suggests similarities with other incidents.”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly.
WorldNet Daily.
(Sept. 4, 2001).
(To locate all articles published by WorldNet Daily related to the Olson case go to WorldNet Daily and enter “Olson and CIA” in the search box at left side of the page.)

“Evidence builds in CIA-related death: 'Suicide' of scientist preceded secret deal between federal agencies.”
by H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly.
WorldNet Daily
(July 19, 2001).

“New Evidence in Army Scientist's Death,”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly, first published by WorldNet Daily.
(July 6, 2001).

“The ‘Times’ Digs Up Old CIA Death: LSD Story Causes Flashbacks.”
[Review of Michael Ignatieff New York Times Magazine article (see below)].
By Cynthia Cotts.
New York Village Voice.
(April 4, 2001).

“What Did the C.I.A. Do To Eric Olson’s Father?”
By Michael Ignatieff.
The New York Times Magazine.
(April 1, 2001).

NOTE: The NY Times posting of the Ignatieff article includes links to fourteen other articles from the Times archives, spanning a period from 1975 to 1999, on the Frank Olson case and related CIA history, as well as additonal material in PDF format.

“The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland,”
By Michael Edwards.
Genii Magazine.
(April 2001).

“The Hersh Alternative: The Investigations of Seymour Hersh”
By Bob Thompson.
Washington Post Sunday Magazine.
(January 28, 2001).

“Justice Delayed,”
By Jonathan Moreno.
Final section of new Postscript to paperback edition of Undue Risk: Secret State Experiments on Humans.
(November, 2000).

“The Strange Story of Frank Olson.”
(The Frank Olson story and its connections to the Florida mob.)
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly, Weekly Planet (Tampa, FL)
(Nov. 30-Dec 6, 2000 issue).

(The Frank Olson story and its connections to the Israeli Mossad.)
By Ronen Bergman, Yedioth Ahronoth (Hebrew newspaper, Tel Aviv.)
(June 6, 2000).

“The Man Who Knew Too Much”
By Mary A. Fischer.
GQ Magazine
(January 2000).

Secrets of the Century: Inside the CIA.
“Mind Control’s Haunting Specter.”
(The Frank Olson story in the context of the history of the CIA and the Cold War.)
Time-Life Books. (2000)

“The Paul Robeson Files.”
By Paul Robeson Jr.
The Nation.
(Dec. 23, 1999).

“Mind Control Murder.”
A&E TV, “Investigative Reports.”
(Hour-long documentary on the death of Frank Olson produced by Principal Films, London.)
(Sept. 22, 1999)

WBAI “Expert Witness” Mike Levine program interview with Eric Olson and Martin Lee (author of “Acid Dreams.”)
(Aug. 3, 1999)
(To listen click link above, then on link to “Archive” page, then scroll down to program audio link for, “Mind Control, Part I.”)

Pacifica Radio (“Democracy NOW!”) interview with Paul Robeson Jr., Eric Olson, and Marin Lee (co-author, Acid Dreams)
(July 1, 1999)

“Cold Justice.”
CNN, “Newsstand: CNN & TIME.”
(March 28, 1999)

Collection of obituaries of Sidney Gottlieb (March 1999).

“CIA Assassination Manual”
WJLA TV-7, Washington “I-Team Report.”
(February 2, 1999)

Gordon Thomas statement
[On the experience of Frank Olson in the summer of 1953 and on knowledge of Olson’s death within the Israeli Mossad.]
(Nov. 30, 1998).

“Terry Lenzner's CIA connection: Watergate attorney shielded agency's ‘Dr. Strangelove’”
By Sarah Foster, (Nov. 19, 1998).

“MKULTRA in the UK”
WJLA TV-7, Washington, “I-Team Report”
(November 4 - 5, 1998)

“The Olson File: A Secret That Could Destroy the CIA,”
By Kevin Dowling and Phillip Knightley, from The Mail on Sunday (London, Aug. 1998). (Reprinted in Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, June 12, 1999.)

CBS Cable, “Eye on People.” (1998)

“CIAcid Trip.”
By Jonathan Vankin and John Whalen, from The 70 Greatest Conspiracies of all Time: History’s Biggest Mysteries, Coverups & Cabals. (1998)

“Frank Olson File: The CIA’s Bad Trip.”
By Melissa Roth.
George Magazine, “The Spy Issue.”
(Oct. 1977)

“CIA Under Suspicion:
‘Suicide’ of LSD guinea pig probed.”
By John O’Mahony.
New York Post, Sept. 21, 1997

“The CIA: Fifty Years of Spying”
The History Channel-CBS News, “The 20th Century,” Mike Wallace, host.
[Opens with the Frank Olson case.]
(Sept. 17, 1997)

“Mind Control.”
Turner Broadcasting System, TBS.
(Sept. 15, 1997)

“The Experiment.”
Discovery Channel, “Discover Magazine.”
(June 18, 1997)

“U.S. Knew in 1953 North Koreans Held American POW’s”
(On MKULTRA-like experiments done on Americans held captive in 1953 and then executed.)
By Philip Shenon, The New York Times.
(Sept. 17, 1996)

“Conspiracy of Silence.”
Syndicated TV program, “Sightings.” .
(Feb. 26, 1995)

“Eye on Dr. Frank Olson.”
CBS Evening News, “Eye on America.”
(Nov. 28, 1994)

“The Experiment.”
CBS News, “Eye to Eye.” .
(October 10, 1994)

“CIA Coverup.”
NBC TV, “Unsolved Mysteries.”
(Sept 15, 1994)

“On the Set: Unsolved Mysteries; The Life and Unexplained Death of Dr. Frank Olson.”
A radio broadcast from the set of “Unsolved Mysteries,” during the filming of the segment on Frank Olson.
Host, Herb Malsman, “Visions.”
(Recorded August 6, 1994.)

“Altered States of America”
[Interview with Ike Feldman, assistant to George White at the CIA safehouse/whore house.]
By Richard Stratton, Spin Magazine
(March 1994).

“Mission Mind Control.”
ABC News (1979)

“Concerning the Case of Dr. Frank Olson,”
By John Marks, from his book,
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control (1979).

“The CIA’s Electric Cool-aid Acid Test,”
By Tad Szulc, from Psychology Today (Nov. 1977).
“LSD: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”

“The Diaries of a CIA Operative.”
[On George White, operator of the CIA safehouse/whore house, including his connections to the Olson case.]
By John Jacobs, The Washington Post. (Sept. 5, 1977).

“C.I.A.'s Files on LSD Death Found to be Contradictory.”
(on the Colby documents)
By Joseph B. Treaster,
The New York Times
(Jan. 11, 1976)

“CIA Misled Cops on LSD Suicide,”
By Frank Faso and William Sherman
New York Daily News,
(July 11, 1975).

See link to “What Did the C.I.A. Do To Eric Olson’s Father?” for New York Times articles from the 1970’s.

“Suicide Revealed.”
By Thomas O'Tooole
Washington Post Staff Writer
Washington Post, Page 1
(June 11, 1975.)

“Army Bacteriologist Dies in Plunge from N.Y. Hotel.”
Frederick News-Post.
(Nov. 29, 1953).

Other anthrax, BW, Detrick,CIA-history, prisoner-interrogation, and 9/11-related stories

“The Mystery Of The Dead Scientists:
Coincidence Or Conspiracy?”
By Ian Gurney
( July, 20, 2003)

“Officials Say Documents Tie Scientist to Anthrax Attack.”
By Scott Shane and Eric Lichtblau.
New York Times.
(August 7, 2008.)

“Scientist’s Suicide Linked to Anthrax Inquiry.”
By Scott Shane and Eric Lichtblau.
New York Times.
(August 2, 2008.)

“Our Own Antrhax: Dismantling America’s weapons of mass destruction.”
By Ed Regis.
Harper’s Magazine.
(July 2004.)

Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran
Edited by Mark J. Gasiorowski and Malcolm Byrne.
History and documents from the National Security Archive.

“Coup d'etat: The Real Reason Tenet and Pavitt Resigned from the CIA on June 3rd and 4th.”
By Michael C. Ruppert.
(June 8, 2004.)

“Regarding the Torture of Others.”
By Susan Sontag.
New York Times Magazine.
(May 23, 2004.)

“Lesser Evils.”
New York Times Magazine.
By Michael Ignatieff.
(May 2, 2004.)

“When Frontier Justice Becomes Foreign Policy.”
By Thomas Powers.
New York Times
(July 13, 2003.)

Seymour Hersh on the new CIA assassination policy
A Reporter's Life, New Yorker online
(December 16, 2002.)

“Bush Has Widened Authority of C.I.A. to Kill Terrorists.”
By James Risen and David Johnston.
New York Times.
(December 15, 2002.)

“‘Dr. Death’ And His Accomplice.”
(Dr. Wouter Basson and Dr. Larry Ford.)
By Mike Wallace.
“60 Minutes” (CBS)
(November 3, 2002.)

“Latin Death Squads and U.S.: A New Disclosure.”
By Diana Jean Schemo
New York Times.
(Oct. 22, 2002)

Robert Jay Lifton interviewed on the Post-9/11 World.
Interview with Bill Moyers on PBS, “Now.”
(October 18, 2002.)

“U.S. Secretly Tested Bioweapons.”
New York Times.
(Oct. 9, 2002.)

Anthrax probe ignoring foreign links?
Critics question FBI's emphasis on homegrown scientist”
By H.P. Albarelli Jr.
WorldNet Daily.
(Oct. 8, 2002.)

Did Army cause anthrax outbreak in mill?
Documents related to '57 research project leave unanswered questions
By H.P. Albarelli Jr.
WorldNet Daily.
(Oct. 7, 2002.)

“A Verdict in South Africa.”
( On the acquittal of Dr. Wouter Basson, the head of the South African apartheid regime's top-secret chemical- and biological-warfare program.)
By William Finnegan
The New Yorker.
(April 22, 2002)

“Detrick's security lapses date to 1980s; Anthrax not first biological agent to disappear from base.”
By Nicole Belanger.
Frederick Country Gazette.
(Jan. 24, 2002).

“Army Lost Track of Anthrax Bacteria: Specimens at Md.'s Fort Detrick May Have Been Misplaced or Stolen ”
By Rick Weiss and Joby Warrick.
Washington Post.
(Jan. 21, 2002).

“U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits”
By Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William J. Broad.
New York Times.
(Sept. 4, 2001).

Related articles and cases

“A Dead Spy, a Daughter's Questions and the C.I.A.”
By Alan Feurer.
New York Times.
October 23, 2007.
For two decades, Charlotte Dennet has been trying to investigate the circumstances surrounding the crash of an Army transport plane carrying her father over Ethiopia in 1947. .

“Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber.”
By Alston Chase.
The Atlantic Monthly.
(June 2000)

“Acid, Americans and the Agency”
[On the Stanley Glickman-Kronish case.]
By Russ Baker, London Observer.
(Feb 14, 1999)
(Link to Second Dircuit court decision on the Kronish case).

“Meet Sidney Gottlieb -- CIA dirty trickster”
[On the Stanley Glickman-Kronish case.]
By Saraah Foster, WorldNet Daily.
(Nov. 19, 1998)

“British psychiatry: from eugenics to assassination.”
By Anton Chaitkin, Executive Intelligence Review.
(Oct. 7, 1994)

“Anatomy of a Public Interest Case Against the CIA, Part 1.”
Part 2.
Part 3.
[On MKULTRA research in Canada.]
By Joseph Rauh and James Turner.

“25 Years of Nightmares.”
[On Ewen Cameron, Harvey Weinstein, and the Canadian Case.]
By David Remnick.
The Washington Post.
(July 28, 1985)

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