Mike Adams
Natural News
Nov 8, 2012
The re-election of Obama was more than the mere selection of one man
over another; it was an endorsement of a set of economic policies that
are now launching America into a trajectory that can only end in
economic disaster.
With the election now etched in the history books, America has endorsed an endless government spending spree
that can no longer be held in check. There is only one outcome now for
the United States of America: A grand finale blowout of money creation,
hyperinflation, collapse and tyranny.
This point is not a debate; it is mathematical fact. Just as 2 + 2 =
4, the economic policies pursued by President Obama and the Federal
Reserve can only equal the utter financial demise of the U.S. dollar.
This is explained in more detail, below.
Fortunately, the number of U.S. dollars in circulation around the
world serves as a kind of “heat sink” that slows the arrival of the
final blowout collapse. So this process may take years to unfold, but
Obama seems to determined to accelerate its arrival for reasons that may become clear as you continue to read this article.
The curse of compounding debt
Presently, Obama is spending over $1 trillion a year more
than the U.S. government confiscates in so-called “revenue” (taxes,
essentially). Because the global demand to purchase this much debt is
insufficient to cover the full amount, the private Federal Reserve has
stepped in and promised to purchase the U.S. debt by issuing more fiat
currency that the U.S. Treasury will owe back to the Fed. This is now
being called “QE unlimited.” It means unlimited money creation.
Mathematically, this is called “the curse of compounding debt.” It
means you’re paying interest on the money you borrowed to pay the
interest on the money you already owe. As this debt compounds, it
multiplies itself over and over again, quickly escalating to the point
where it ends catastrophically.
During this process, which can take several years to ramp up, the
debt blowout is not immediately obvious. In the early years, prices keep
rising but not necessarily rapidly enough to cause immediate panic.
Sure, the bread you buy this year costs 40% more than the bread you
bought last year, but nobody is carting around wheelbarrows of cash… not
yet, anyway.
As the currency devaluation and price inflation reach their stride,
more frequent price increases start to concern citizens who suddenly
discover their paychecks are rapidly becoming worthless. This inevitably
leads to protests in the streets, and in an Obama
administration — staffed by economic juveniles who are astonishingly
ignorant of market principles — this will quickly lead to dreaded PRICE
Why price controls cause immediate supply shortages and starvation
Once the price controls are announced, it’s time to hunker down, lock
and load, and start protecting your stored food. Why? Because price controls always lead to immediate shortages.
A price control is an artificial government restriction on the free
market trading of goods or services. It’s economics 101: When prices are
kept artificially low, demand is made artificially high while supply
can’t keep up. The result? Empty food shelves.
The empty food shelves will, in turn, lead to riots in the streets.
Why? Because people are starving, angry and panicked. Imagine the
aftermath of Hurricane Sandy multiplied by a thousand, happening
everywhere from coast to coast. That’s a small hint of what’s coming for
Obama’s America.
Riots in the streets lead to Martial Law
Once the riots in the streets reach a crescendo, the President will
have little choice but to declare Martial Law and use the opportunity
to deploy troops on the streets. From there, the nation already has one foot in the door of runaway police state tyranny.
This is the point where, historically, nations have engaged in the
mass rounding up of political enemies or “undesirable” demographics: The
Jews, the rebels, even the academics as we saw in the Communist-led Cultural Revolution in China.
There, the communists (i.e. the 1960′s equivalent of today’s Obama
followers) rounded up over 7 million human beings, targeting farmers,
academics and anyone who could think for themselves, and then
slaughtered them in cold blood.
I know this from first-hand accounts, by the way. Remember: I speak
Mandarin Chinese, and I lived in Asia for two years. I have personally
spoken to survivors of the Chinese holocaust — people who escaped and
fled to Taiwan.
As explained on MassViolence.org:
The widespread phenomenon of mass killings in the Cultural
Revolution consisted of five types: 1) mass terror or mass dictatorship
encouraged by the government – victims were humiliated and then killed
by mobs or forced to commit suicide on streets or other public places;
2) direct killing of unarmed civilians by armed forces; 3) pogroms
against traditional “class enemies” by government-led perpetrators such
as local security officers, militias and mass; 4) killings as part of
political witch-hunts (a huge number of suspects of alleged
conspiratorial groups were tortured to death during investigations); and
5) summary execution of captives, that is, disarmed prisoners from
factional armed conflicts. The most frequent forms of massacres were the
first four types, which were all state-sponsored killings. The degree
of brutality in the mass killings of the Cultural Revolution was very
high. Usually, the victims perished only after first being humiliated,
struggled and then imprisoned for a long period of time.
This is where America
is headed, folks. The TSA fulfills the “mass terror / dictatorship”
role once it is deployed on the streets of America. Meanwhile, Obama’s
supporters are already engaged in threats of violence against all
political opponents, and inciters of violence like Michael Moore have
promoted videos encouraging destruction and violence while saying things like, “We’ll burn this mother f*%#er down,” followed by “Yes we can” in Spanish. (Si, se puede.)
In this kind of behavior, we are watching the rise of a new gang of violent-minded Obammunists
who can’t wait to engage in the mass murder of conservative Americans:
Farmers, veterans and especially gun owners. The desire is to have them
all rounded up, tortured, and then either murdered or sent to
re-education camps. This is where it’s all headed now.
The ten steps to tyranny under Obammunism
Getting from today’s America to an oppressive, tyrannical
“Obammunism” police state is faster and easier than you think. Here’s
how it might unfold, in review:
1) Runaway government spending forces nation into debt spiral.
2) Fed prints new currency and buys debt, compounding existing debt.
3) Debt explodes, causing runaway price inflation.
4) Rising prices lead to citizen protests.
5) Government initiates price controls to try to halt protests.
6) Shelves are emptied of food as people starve.
7) Mass riots begin.
8) Government initiates Martial Law.
9) Troops are rolled out onto the streets.
10) Under the cover of Martial Law, the mass rounding up of political
opponents begins, complete with torture, public humiliation, murder and
re-education camps.
Obama supporters are almost universally ignorant of history
This is not mere conjecture, this is HISTORY, and history is doomed to repeat itself, especially among those who are ignorant of it.
And nobody is more ignorant of history today than Obama supporters who seem to have no clue that they are members of a personality cult that has swept them into a dangerous fervor where anything is excusable: Threats of violence, rioting, murder and worse.
America is just a few steps away from all this not just happening,
but actually being socially acceptable! “We rounded up some rebel
preppers today,” will be the announcement on the evening news. “And sent
them to rehabilitation camps.” (The newsroom cheers…)
Mass murder in the name of Obama
Many times in humanity’s past, this very thing has been accepted as
perfectly legitimate by intelligent populations. German citizens, for
example, saw this happening right under their noses and believed it was
acceptable behavior by a government. The same is true for the Chinese
under Mao Zedong and the citizens of Cambodia under Pol Pot.
What makes you think today’s zombified voters — people are have
already been brainwashed to give up their constitutional rights in
response to an utterly fabricated “war on terror” — will be any smarter
in their response to a planned financial collapse?
The inescapable truth of the matter is that Obama’s followers will commit mass murder in his name
— gleefully, willfully and with a sense of pride and even patriotism.
There is no wrong that can be committed in Obama’s name, his cult
followers believe. And the fact that those people are now leaning
towards violence in their political rhetoric is a red flag warning of
dire things yet to come.
People like Michael Moore are racial instigators of
violence and hate. And yet, astonishingly, his video remains perfectly
acceptable to YouTube, the same video site that bans anything critical
of the TSA (as I personally found out last year with the release of my
“TSA Help Wanted” video).
Those who preach hate and violence must be stopped
The endless racism attacks on conservatives by Obama supporters are
reprehensible and even dangerous. They risk inciting a backlash from
conservatives who, frankly, are far better armed than the Obama crowd.
When Bill Maher recently warned Romney supporters that “Black people know who you are and they will come after you,”
he made that statement in total ignorance of the sheer number of AR-15s
awaiting whatever hapless gang bangers would even attempt such a
suicide mission.
Really? You want to hunt down some whiteys and have a go at some
race-based crime? While some feminine-leaning “metrosexual” men may be
easily found in cities, once you venture out into rural America, you’re
facing a different beast altogether: Country boys can unleash a 7.62 x
51mm round through your skull at 600 yards, and if pushed into a corner,
they have no moral reservation against killing someone who threatens
their family or community.
Don’t mess with conservative America, folks. All that talk of hatred
and violence is only being tolerated right now because country boys
don’t want to waste the ammo on you yet. Keep up that talk, Michael
Moore and Bill Maher, and sooner or later somebody who has run out of
patience is likely to teach you what “reach out and touch someone”
really means in U.S. Marine Scout Sniper school.
I don’t condone any of that, of course. My advice is for Obama
cultists to tone down the violent rhetoric before they set off something
they wish they hadn’t. Violence is never the best way to resolve
political differences, although throughout world history it has
certainly been the most common way.
The bottom line in all this is that once the debt collapse begins,
it’s the preppers who have the firepower, the skills, the food, the
water and the farmland. It’s the veterans, the farmers and the local
sheriffs who have the know-how to get through tough times. While
Obamabot voters have put America on a collision with economic collapse,
they remain clueless of the reality that they are bringing about their
own destruction in the process.
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