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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Manhattan Project 2.0 part 3

Economic World War
Technocratic Plutocrat Elites vs. The People

Page last updated: 7/15/2010

I’ve yet to see the questions asked:

With increasing computer power and quality of techniques why aren’t ‘we’ getting better at sustainable economics? Where is our age of prosperity?

Increased computational power shouldn’t mean decreased prosperity for all… unless it’s being used to deliberately plunder the masses. When we look at all the figures, from where the debt economy has been going for years, to the way the specific meltdown occurred and was carried out, to what’s looming on the horizon, how isn’t this deliberate? This trend has been accelerating almost directly in line with accelerating technological change and the ever increasing collective power of the computers of those at the commanding heights. Not even boosts in personal productivity from cell phones has managed to allow the populace to try and keep pace with the growing plutocrat oligarchs: This is simple, and complex.

Simple Answer:

The economic war has been underway for many years, but until more recently it was a slow crawling menace. Until the mid-2000′s it was more of a scheme to cheat the masses, to keep us undermined yet just happy enough to not really notice the gradual decline. However, over the past few decades it has increased at an alarming rate, incidentally in line with computational increase. Until about 5 years ago it was mostly a plundering of the nation, and right about when that was finished, and when we were all unwittingly at our weakest ever, and when the technology was in place to pull it off, and with a new level of motivation never seen before, the plutocrats went for the jugular of the masses directly and then furthered their cause by instituting TARP “bailouts”.

This came as a one-two punch:

(1) They triggered the sea of debt into a tsunami by imploding the Property Price Index (engineered housing bubble), which directly plundered the ‘wealth’ of those who bought into the con.

(2) Oil price gauging. Completely manufactured fuel price hikes. Virtually everything we use is made from petroleum distillates & derivatives, and is then transported using petroleum based fuels. Triple the price of fuel, by design considering the actual cost and production of oil had never changed, and spike the prices of almost literally everything we all take for granted.

The timing of these 2 events is what to focus on. The fuel crisis was ratcheted up right in line with the increasingly looming ‘pop’ of the housing bubble, which squeezed everyone, especially the poor and the newly damned.

Complex Analysis:

Not only has the global economy imploded rather dramatically, all the hard numbers point towards an inevitable total collapse, especially in the USA. The Federal Reserve and EU Bank are both privately owned institutions, and there’s no debating this fact. The Federal Reserve in particular was at the heart of the US economic meltdown, which brought the rest of the world with it. These institutions are literally at the helm of each federal economy, and aren’t subject to being audited. They’re above each government, just the same as your local city government is subject to the state government, and the state to the federal government.

The global banking scheme is seemingly leading the world into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. How is this possible? Today we have increasingly powerful computers of all different sizes, yet the more powerful our computing hardware and software becomes the faster we’re falling into the abyss, instead of rising to an economic utopia. Computers clearly aren’t helping the system maintain a balanced budget sheet, while when you look at the graphs it appears they’re helping the elitist plutocracy to plunder the nations. Ask yourself how in the face of everything that’s happened in the past few year, billionaires increased in numbers and profits at a record rate in 2009 (Link 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Many people put all of the blame of our current woes on the housing bubble, but a more realistic view is that that crisis only sped up the inevitable. The massive spending associated with bailouts and stimulation merely put off even longer the inevitable. The longer this inevitable is put off the harder the crash will be. Just look at the numbers. Spending got us into the mess, so in response they spend and loan even more. Like it’s going out of style… literally.

It wasn’t originally designed to implode, despite that being how it looks today, but it’s always been designed to leech away the self-reliable wealth of those with less. The less you have the more it hurts you… is and always has been the purpose of the privately owned Federal Reserve bank. The mechanism responsible is inflation.

When the value of the dollar is deliberately reduced every year it creates a situation where you have to set up your surplus finances in ways that will hedge against the inflationary dollar devaluation. During ‘normal’ times, you could invest your money into your home or other property and as the value of the dollar goes down the value of the property would go up. This is just the opposite with automobiles which helps explain why social engineering has us all obsessing with dumping all of our money into our cars that are worth $10,000 less the day you drive it off the lot. Everybody’s primary financial concerns should be in how to position their earnings against inflation, not new spinner rims.

Now what happened with the housing meltdown is the big trend that makes it hard to believe that the design wasn’t to rob almost literally all of the populace, as normally the best thing the little guy can do is invest in his property so that he can fight off inflation. All those years most people thought their house was somehow naturally going up in value, in reality the dollar was going down in value and the markets knew it. Except now the value of our homes has plummeted, it’s unsafe to even invest in property, endless millions refinanced their homes and now owe more than the property is worth, and some 60% of US national assets have been absorbed by the Federal Reserve and the Big 6 banking cartel that are the majority stock holders in the “Fed”.

The other catalyst of the economic downturn was the fuel price crisis. It served as the 1-2 punch to the entire global economy. In the graph above you can see that the more fuel consumption went down the more the price went up. This is the opposite of how the market works, proving massive manipulation. What’s important about is it happened directly parallel to the housing collapse, which made its effects substantially worse than if it occurred in 1999. Assuming it was deliberate, what does this tell you about the titans of Wall Street and their disdain for the global populace?

That graph shows that neither oil production nor inventory had ever changed in ways to justify the spike in prices. On the contrary, inventories went up while consumption was down while mass scale price gouging like never before was in full effect. The answer for how this happened was market speculation. The big banks and hedge funds in effect ‘all’ got together and continuously bet in large scale that oil prices would go up, and sure enough that’s what happened. The costs of everything went up, people were broke, major institutions absorbed by the government & banks, the property markets crashed, and now the inevitable collapse is out in the open for everyone to see.

Note that during the peak of the oil crisis Obama actually went on the record saying that ‘fuel’ prices should be artificially increased so that people would use less fossil fuels. Now he didn’t say to raise oil prices in that particular quote, but inherently that is the overall goal of Cap’N Trade type policies, and we all had a devastating test run during the artificial fuel crisis. Can anyone say they were glad the test run of Cap & Trade happened?

Obama’s Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is a Federal Reserve agent, being the former president of the New York branch Federal Reserve Bank. Other Federal Reserve agents in the Obama Administration include Paul Volker, Christina Romer, Alan Blinder, Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers.

As with 9/11, Bush ignored all of the warnings of the looming ‘economic 9/11′. His Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs, a key player in the economic meltdown. Goldman has embraced the world of AI, with sophisticated AI supercomputers that utilize learning algorithms to conduct “high frequency trading” that allows them to literally cheat at the stock trading game, and in all likelihood conduct operations such as artificially raising global fuel prices. Goldman Sachs agents in the Obama’s inner circle include Gary Gensler, John Corzine, Rahm Emanuel, Mark Patterson, Neel Kashkari, Reuben Jeffery III and apparently even Elana Kagen.

During the economic disaster, Goldman executives cheered their results, emails went on to show. All throughout the crisis, Sachs reaped billions of dollars in record profits while the rest of the world economy has floundered. In July of 2010 Sachs was fined the record amount of $550 million by the SEC for their role in the Subprime fiasco. The same day their stocks actually went up 5% as those in the game know how much evil they had committed, and were relieved at only having to pay a mere $550 million. Days after the settlement, Sach’s put aside $9 billion for employee bonuses.
Sachs was Obama second largest campaign contributor, funneling him $994,795, 7 times what Enron famously gave to Bush. His other top contributors included Google, Harvard, University of California, Microsoft, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Stanford, IBM, Morgan Stanley, BP and General Electric.

These people are textbook “Disaster Capitalists”, those whose portfolios are stacked to reap profits and success in their goals via the mass scale suffering of others. It’s no secret that BushCo. was a regime of disaster capitalists, but ObamaCo. is too. Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton have made public statements condoning the capitalization of crisis. The notorious Henry Kissinger said the economic crisis was a “great opportunity” for Obama to create a “new world order.”

Disaster capitalists are amongst the greatest threat to the world, as having people set up to reap profits ranging from millions to trillions sets a precedent of why would they prevent the crisis, especially if there are agendas that transcend money. “Problem Reaction Solution” is the mechanism to our undoing.

Between the agents from the Federal Reserve many of the key players in the economic meltdown are all accounted for. On top of everything above, Larry Summers, under Bill Clinton, played a key role in repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, which was set up after the first Great Depression to prevent it from happening again. He also helped deregulate derivatives, for which there is now a one quadrillion dollar bubble. After the modern collapse had already begun, Obama made him a top level adviser.

The Federal Reserve was the centerpiece of the housing bubble, as well as in serving as the vehicle to enable Congress to commit runaway spending that involves endless wars and the AGI Manhattan Project. In the meltdown aftermath, Obama moved immediately to hand the bankster monolith even more power, and the Congress banished Ron Paul’s legislation that would have given the Congress for the first time the ability to audit the Federal Reserve to bring to light their deeds.

These players are amongst those at the forefront of setting up a total plutocracy. In a plutocracy the wealthy rule everything, as described by an infamous leaked Citigroup memo.

The mentality of the classical elitist must be discussed. They tend to be Social Darwinists, who apply Darwinist theory to sociology. In their view it’s their divine role to dominate those beneath them, at the top of the food chain as the fittest to survive. This class of elites are their own social group, much like how most ordinary people identify themselves with race, political party, music scene, and so on. This social group adherence transcends the everyday social group affiliations the rest of us know, and elitist propaganda has us all wanting to identify with them to subconsciously justify their types of actions.

So we’re in the middle of a collapse that by all measures looks deliberate, that was caused by private stock holders, who made unfathomable amounts of cash on the ways up and down, and were handed trillions of unaccountable dollars in “bailout” money in the aftermath. Despite all of this, there’s still this push for a near-trillion dollar military budget (in the US alone), along with a global government based on a multi-trillions dollar global carbon tax, and even a mandatory “health care” obscenity that might cost trillions overall, yet somehow we’re not to come to the conclusion that there’s a total economic world war being waged against us?

Of course, to propose there’s a deliberate war, there has to be a “why” they would do it. The simple answers of “greed” or “power” are lackluster to address the scale we’re enduring. They believe they’ll become “gods” with indefinite lifespans of hundreds or even thousands of years, and to speed up the process they’re carrying out a full scale 21st Century Manhattan Project: The AGI Manhattan Project.

The Global Meltdown of FEAR (1 of 3)
Page last updated: 7/15/2010
In the 21st Century we have two primary threats thrown at us. In the blue corner we have man-caused Global Warming, and in the red corner we have Islamic Terrorism. What are the risks and absurdities of each, and what is really driving these agendas?

The intention here isn’t to convince people they’re right or wrong about being liberal or conservative, but to point out how remarkable it is that each side of the agenda setters & policy makers have taken such staunch stances on these opposing issues, and to show the realities of the perceived threats..

These proclaimed threats are complex issues. The point here is to put them into perspective. What can we compare these issues to? How much do we know? What don’t we know? What makes sense? How far should we go? What should we jeopardize? What are the ascertainable risks?

These are the questions that need to be asked no matter the issue, especially if any given issue is to cost into the range of a trillion dollars per year, as regardless we all face total economic collapse. So hang up your preconceptions and political biases for a chance at a better understanding of many things. Let’s try to slow down for a minute, and try to assess what the non-Left/Right biased realities are, while discovering the unifying benefactor in pursuing both objectives as we’re being told to.

Ask yourself when haven’t you seen 2 people dramatize an event between them, and didn’t each have different stories as to what actually happened. Now consider, Democrats are supposed to be anti-war and pro-Global Warming mitigation. Republicans are opposite on both issues. This creates a small selection of scenarios: (1) One side is right about both, making the majority of the other side wrong about what they advocate (consider the odds of over 50 million people being totally wrong on both major issues). (2) Each side is right about what they promote, which makes them each wrong about what they argue against. (3) Each side is wrong about the intensity of what they advocate for, and are overall right about the lack of doomsday threat about what they argue against.

Odds are that either scenario 2 or 3 is the right answer. Then consider how hyped everything always is, and then crunch some odds numbers. Before we explore each issue, consider what is known in academia as the “Politics of Fear”.

A Primer On Fear

In the archetectualization of policy responses to perceived threats, few thinkers actually seem to address their statistical realities, nor do advocates of such policies. Should we listen wholeheartedly the strongest advocates of policy responses to any majors threats? The fact is, humans are aren’t very often ‘logical machines’ with emotions, instead humans are ‘emotional machines’ that think.

The fear reaction reflex is the most overpowering of all neural mechanisms. It’s a hard wired survival system, and when it goes into effect our cognitive abilities to rationally respond are almost quite literally physically incapable of rational thought. This is particularly the case if we don’t understand and acknowledge this inherent feature of quite literally all human brains. Without understanding this you’re almost powerless to suppress it when faced with complex fears.

The following video is for anyone who doubts the fact that the media utilizes emotioneering in their reporting:

There have been countless scholarly papers studying the media-driven Politics of Fear, but you wont hear about these on the news like you would the latest scholarly paper on global warming. Consider the intro of this paper by Frank Furedi:

Fear plays a key role in twenty-first century consciousness. Increasingly, we seem to engage with various issues through a narrative of fear. You could see this trend emerging and taking hold in the last century, which was frequently described as an ‘Age of Anxiety’. But in recent decades, it has become more and better defined, as specific fears have been cultivated.

Fear is often examined in relation to specific issues; it is rarely considered as a sociological problem in its own right. As Elemer Hankiss argues, the role of fear is ‘much neglected in the social sciences’. He says that fear has received ‘serious attention in philosophy, theology and psychiatry, less in anthropology and social psychology, and least of all in sociology’. This under-theorisation of fear can be seen in the ever-expanding literature on risk. Though sometimes used as a synonym for risk, fear is treated as an afterthought in today’s risk literature; the focus tends to remain on risk theory rather than on an interrogation of fear itself. Indeed, in sociological debate fear seems to have become the invisible companion to debates about risk.

Agenda’s tend to be pushed based on how much fear potential they carry, while the metrics of actual risk are ignored. The problem with all of this is the majority of issues trumpetted as primary items have been decreasing for decades, and not just because we’ve been afraid or because of insane funding for various things. In general, itis the issues that we’re most helpless against that are pushed the hardest. Issues like crime, school shootings, airplane crashes, airplane hijackings, terrorism, nuclear armageddon, and a pissed off planet frying us with CO2 that we breath out of our faces are all over-reported based on the actual ascertainable risks.  As fear expert David Altheide explains in his paper “Notes Towards A Politics Of Fear“:

The politics of fear relied on terrorism as a constant threat that can never be defeated; The term “terrorism” was used to encompass an idea as well as a tactic or method. Like the Mafia, it was everywhere and nowhere, all-powerful, but invisible. Crime helped shape the direction for terrorist victimisation. The politics of fear joined crime with victimisation through the “drug war,” interdiction and surveillance policies, and grand narratives that reflected numerous cultural myths about moral and social “disorder”. Numerous “crises” and fears involving crime, violence, and uncertainty were important for public definitions of the situation after 9/11. So perhaps it was natural that the terrorist attacks fed off this context of fear. The drug war and ongoing concerns with crime led to the expansion of fear with terrorism. News reports and advertisements joined drug use with terrorism and helped shift “drugs” from criminal activity to unpatriotic action. A $10 million ad campaign that included a Super Bowl commercial stated that buying and using drugs supports terrorism, or as President Bush put it, “If you quit drugs, you join the fight against terror in America.”

On that note, here’s an example of the media report mish-mashing terrorism and natural disasters:

And of course, global warming with the nuclear armageddon concept we were all raised on:

In another paper, titled “Fear in the News: A Discourse of Control“, Altheide pointed out several trends in crime reporting. One example was media coverage of school shootings. Even though school homicides were down, reporting increased to portray it as epidemic, with very few articles mentioning actual school shooting statistics.

In another paper, “The Absence of Crime Data in Newspaper Reporting of School Violence“, Mary H. Krouse repeated how urban schools crimes were under reported compared to more rural and suburban schools.

Three rural and three urban schools where shootings occurred were examined through the content analysis. …the three rural school shootings received a disproportionate amount of attention compared to the three urban school shootings. The urban shootings received little attention from the six newspapers along with the number of pictures devoted to those shootings. For example, in the Courier ournal, photos pertaining to the rural school shootings totaled 101, while the total number of photos for the urban school shootings was two.

Massive fear trumpeting in the news is nothing new. For about 50 years there was always the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation to shock everyone, and motivate endless “defense” spending with. Sure, if the Soviets had nukes we needed them too, but it would really only take a couple hundreds nukes going off simultaneously to cause nuclear winter, meaning the tens of thousands built by each empire was absurd.

In many cases, after the Cold War ended “new” fears were all of the sudden front and center. Saddam Hussein was the new Hitler, organized crime and drug gang violence were taking over, Global Warming was all of the sudden the new end of the world, after not too long we had to worry about a nuclear attack by fringe terrorists, terrorists became associated with drug gang organized crime, drug gangs became titled “narco-terrorists”, and global warming was going to increase global terrorism and cause nuclear war.

A good case point about fear-mongering during the Cold War was the Cuban Missile Crisis. People literally lost their minds by being faced with the Soviets having a missile base in Cuba. The thing about it was they were in effect evening the odds, as the U.S. already had multiple military bases around their borders. While it was of great tactical use for the Soviets, the reality was that was their only base in this hemisphere and hardly worthy of the total hysteria that ensued.

One government propaganda film, titled “The House in the Middle” (1954), produced by the “National Clean Up – Paint Up – Fix up Bureau”, asserted that you’d literally be “doomed” if you didn’t keep a fresh coat of paint on your house, neighborhoods kept clean, and even the interior of the home kept spotless. It features ridiculously presented bare dry-rotted wood shanty huts undergoing nuclear blasts, unobstructed, out in the middle of the desert, in the Nevada Testing Grounds, as “proof” justifying its gross fear-mongering.

Viewing that film today is almost hysterical in the comedy sense, but back then that was the hysteria driving issue of the day, and it’s a sad story that people were socially engineered using such underhandedly manipulative means. Could it have been the government & media’s long campaign of indoctrinating Americans with fear and paranoia that caused the Cuban Missile Crisis hysteria? Take a step back, and look at how much people freak out about foreign threats, despite the fact that history proves that we were more powerful than the Soviet Union, and will remain the most powerful for a long time to come.

More recently, the oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico was reported as being one of the biggest threats we’ve ever faced, many going as far as calling it an “extinction level event“. From the very beginning, the majority pushed it as something that will devastate the entire Gulf  for decades to come. Nevermind that the dynamic Gulf alone contains about 642 trillion gallons of water, the real thing to look at is history. As it turns out, almost exactly the same type of event had occured in 1979, in the Gulf of Mexico. In that forgotten event, the Ixtoc I, the well pipe was only half the size, but it went on twice as long (nine months). A year later, after storms, and a hurricane, the mess was almost totally history. An oil tanker had even crashed in the Gulf right in the middle of that event. Despite all of this, doomsday economic impacts on tourism and fishing never came close to the levels estimated.

With the new Gulf Gusher, very little attention was paid to the numerical realities of the overblown estimates. Even if the worst case scenario amount of ‘stuff’ ejecting from the well were the case, the sobering composition of the gushing matter was under reported. The fact is about 40% of the gushing was methane (which of course was then reported as being the end of the Gulf), which left about 60% as being actual crude. The type of crude is critical to assessing long term damage. That crude was “light sweet crude”, ofwhich about 75% of the crude was solvents such as benzene, xylene, acetone and mineral spirits (gasoline, diesel and paint thinners). What this means is that 75% of  60% of the gusher would all evaporate into thin air. The same is true with the 40% that was methane. The methane would evapoate into thin air, or what methane didn’t make it to the surface would dissolve and be eaten by bacteria, or recrystalize into the seafloor which is typical of methane molecules a mile under the surface. While the Gulf could do without that methane content, it’s fully equipped to deal with it. Consider that we all fart methane everyday. In the long term the methane was more like a godsend.

Now this isn’t to say that the immediate impacts, especially in the immediate region, weren’t or aren’t a major problem. But the issue was totally overblown, and in a way that ensured more psychological harm than necessary for those directly impacted by it. The fact that one fisherman commited suicide over the over-hyped ordeal is a deeply disturbing tragedy when you consider the sobering realities of the situation. As far as the rest of the crude, about 20% of its composition was wax, and only 3% actual tar and asphalt (which is eaten by natural bacteria). By the time it was capped it was already being reported that 75% of the “oil” had “disappeared”. Even critics of BP have to admit that they assisted most of the out of work fisherman financially, and in a years time most should be back to normal including being able to eat seafood without major concerns.

Back on point, terrorism hasn’t killed anyone in the U.S. for years, yet every scale of incident of “terrorism” that happens across the globe is reported as if it’s all happening in in your local metropolis. Ultimately, we’re conditioned to feel like victims, and then we associate with reports framed around victimization. From viewing more victim framed reporting, it reinforces our sense of being victims, which solidifies our yearning for an ever more powerful government to step in and conduct warrant-less searches and to embed pervasive surveillance into all levels of the social stratosphere.

Then comes along ‘Global Warming’ and ‘Islamic terrorism’. By their very semantics each is a threat to our very survival. When you believe your survival is at threat, what do you think your mind is going to do? The truth is, your mind literally shuts down and your brain takes over following its ingrained fight or flight survival mechanisms.

We humans like to believe we’re in control of our own minds, but for the most part it isn’t true. Without understanding how our human-inherent brain/mind works, we’re almost powerless to overcome it with reason. Reason & logic are the opposite of emotions. Emotions are the brain at work, logic is our minds trying to overcome these survival based ‘reflexes’. Our minds, that is our egos, literally rationalize our emotional behaviors, as a mechanism to maintain the illusion of control of our own brains. The less we know about all of this, the more we are all slaves to these circumstances.

Then comes along the latest trend in doomsday how-will-we-survive-it fear…

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